Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Too Much Information?

And just like that, we're done.

After 3 years of being pregnant and/or breast feeding, my body is finally mine again!

While I'm a bit nostalgic about my babies growing up, relief is most prominent.

So, what am I going to do with my newfound freedom?

1. Get Fit
I'm running my first 5k on Oct. 22.
The schedule is as follows:
9:00 race beings
9:45 awards ceremony begins
So, I've got to finish in under 45 minutes. Which, in all honesty, shouldn't be a problem, since my training has been going pretty well.
There's still that nagging fear that everyone will be ready for the awards and they'll have to wait for me to drag my body across the finish line...

2. Take some time for myself
I'll be going to Hays, KS for NATS in November. Without the kids or the husband. I will be working, but it'll be my first time away since Ruby was born. I'm really looking forward to it.

3. Buy some new clothes

4. Not get pregnant anytime in the near future

So there you go, probably more than you wanted to know.
But, I do feel a pat on the back is in order.
So *pat, pat*
And "hello" from Ruby!

1 comment:

  1. get it em.
    sounds like a fun season ahead. :)

    ruby IS giving you a pat on the back. gorgeous pic of both of you. GLAMOUR girls in the fields!

    i know you can do that race in under 45! WOO!
