Friday, October 7, 2011


Every Friday I work at WSU and teach voice lessons.
I start at 9:30 and finish at 5:00.
And I get one whole half hour for lunch!
An entire 30 minutes!
I usually run over to the student center to get something to eat. The healthiest things there are extremely over priced, which causes me to vow to bring my lunch the next week.
Today there is no food in the house, so I'll be forking over $10 for a cup of berries just like last week...

The other morning Maia wanted to sit in Ruby's chair for breakfast.
She also wanted popcorn.
"Oh, and definitely milk" (her words, not mine).

Maia got a new bed! 
Her crib became the headboard and footboard. 
So, yes, this bed is gigantic for her, but she's got something to grow into.
Maia is still only napping about 1/4 of the time.

We went to a local pumpkin patch on Sunday.
These were in the middle of the hay maze.
Kansas' state flower is the Sunflower.

Aleks had a birthday on Monday. We went to dinner, hit some balls in the batting cages, and drove go karts!

Ruby finally had her 1 year doctor's appointment.
She's 5% for weight and 20% for height.
Still not walking and still no teeth!

Maia really wanted to go to the zoo yesterday. She let me know by screaming.
My favorite thing so far about Wichita is the zoo. 
We go at least once a week, usually twice.
When we bought a season pass we were concerned that we might not use it enough to make it worthwhile.
It hasn't been an issue.

 I hope you all had a great week!
Enjoy the weekend, I know we will.

LInking up with Jeannett:

life rearranged


  1. my fav is for sure the sunflower pic. love the little sneaker treat in the maze! :)

    a zoo tantrum is totally worthy! why mom? why aren't you dropping everything to take her! psha! ;) hahah!

    tell her the zoo is in her bed....maybe she'll take a nap :)

  2. I need to start doing insta-fridays! I love reading yours! We went to the zoo this week too, it's finally cool enough ;) miss you! xx

  3. The sunflower pic is neat!! And i remember when the bed switch happened at our house, always so exciting to move up!!
