Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Preschool style

I should most certainly NOT be writing a new blog post.
I should be reviewing my music for my recital tomorrow night.
Because Sunday's rehearsal was a hot mess.
At this point I'm seriously hoping I don't embarrass myself.

But, Maia had a Mother Goose Halloween Parade at school today and you all want to know how that went.

Ruby dressed up in her costume too.
Sans bunny headpiece, which made her look like a mouse.
It's a good thing Ruby couldn't care less.

Look at that straight line!
Mrs. Patrick speaks fluent 3 and 4 year old and those kids LOVE her.

Everyone was asked to dress up as a Mother Goose character.
I think it was a smart move.
Otherwise there would have been an entire parade of princesses.

Maia was one of the three little pigs.
"But a girl pig."

There were teapots and unicorns and Little Bo Peep

and a sun, and a little princess slipped in there at the end. :)

This sweet little boy made the cutest mouse.

And this little ladybug didn't "fly away home" until school was over.

Of course Halloween is tomorrow and the kids who go to school 5 days a week or MWF, will have another parade.
Today was definitely a dress rehearsal for the big event tomorrow.

Ok, now I'm going to look over my music.
I'm afraid it might be too late... but I will fight to the end!
Handel melismas here I come.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bits of our week

1. Today I used the last of the toilet paper and intentionally decided to let Aleks deal with it. Ironically, I ended up using the restroom before he did and had to change it after all. I believe that's what they call karma.

2. I'm giving a recital on Wednesday. This weekend I tried on my dress and realized that my shoulders are a nice light brown and my back was a blinding white. After some research (thanks Chelsea) I made an appointment and experienced my first spray tan today. I'm not yet sure what I think. The experience was a little awkward and things are a bit blotchy, but from what I was told, after my shower tomorrow the whole thing will even out. I'm adding this to the list of things I never thought I'd do, but have done in the name of singing.

3. Maia went to a birthday party this weekend. It's the second party she's been to in her short life and it was a doozy! It was a princess party and had a pink bouncy castle and lots and lots of candy and sweets. Now she wants one just like that on her birthday. I've got 6 months to convince her to have a quiet book/dinosaur/milk and cookie party. Wish me luck.

4. We bought Maia new sneakers. This kid is wearing size 11!!! They're a bit big, but still. She looks like a puppy, with these big feet that she's growing into.

5. Ruby was napping really well this week and then today she was not interested. After she finished kicking, she started running back and forth in her crib. I'm amazed she stayed in her room and bed.

6. The girls continue to be each other's best friends and worst enemies. We're still working on sharing. Aleks thinks Ruby is a pushover because she'll often give Maia whatever she wants, even if Ruby was playing with it first. Frankly, as long as no one is screaming, I don't really care. World class parenting, huh? However, dance parties are always a hit.

7. Happy Halloween everyone! Have a fun week!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


My parents left yesterday after spending over a week with us.
One of the things that happened while they were here, was that Aleks and my dad installed a new toilet.

While they were at Lowe's I asked them to look for a toilet lid that I had seen on Pinterest.
It has a kid-sized seat that folds down on top of the regular toilet seat.

We got two and I think it's the best $80 bucks we've spent in a long time. No more disgusting potty seat inserts!
Once again, Pinterest for the win!

Aleks and I decided to take advantage of my parents and booked a trip to Chicago.
The flight from Wichita to Chicago was on the tiniest plane.
It was about 2 inches too short for Aleks.

As the plane left the runway, it took a good amount self-talk to push aside the guilt of both of us leaving the girls for the first time.

It was rainy and cold when we landed. After checking in to our hotel, we grabbed a bite to eat, then promptly returned to our hotel room, cranked up the heat, and took a nap.

Best. Day. Ever.
We never get to nap when we want, it was such a luxury!

We stayed at the Allegro, which had funky touches throughout the room.
I loved the double door into the bathroom, and the light fixture in the middle of the room is to die for.

That night we headed out to dinner at Frontera, one of the restaurants of Aleks' favorite chef, Rick Bayless.
We had tried to get reservations at Topolobampo (the upscale restaurant), but at 2 months ahead they were already booked.
Frontera doesn't take reservations, but they open at 5. When we got there at 5:15, we were told that the wait would be 1 1/2-2 hours.
A long wait didn't dampen our excitement.
Frankly, after getting a nap in the middle of the day, there wasn't much that we couldn't handle.

So we got seated in an hour and as we were sitting down, I said to Aleks "Oh! There's Rick Bayless' wife talking to the people at the table next to us."
(By the way, she looks exactly like she does on "One Plate at a Time.")

After placing our orders I noticed Rick Bayless in the kitchen. I excitedly told Aleks and pulled out my phone, trying to zoom in to get a picture. As I fumbled with the zoom feature, Rick starts walking toward us and stops at the table next to us.
Aleks and I nearly had a heart attack.

I've always thought I'd be cool if I met a celebrity. I don't get easily starstruck, but both Aleks and I had racing hearts.
I was able to covertly capture this picture with my phone.

I don't know who those people next to use were, but through Aleks' eavesdropping, we were able to figure out they are somehow involved in theater.
Dinner was delicious.
I ate way too much and looked like I was 5 months pregnant the next morning.

However, we walked a lot.
Which was great, because we ate a lot.

We did a lot of touristy things.
Like the bean

and Navy Pier
(Aeks hates heights)

and the Chicago Art Institute.
(I discovered I have a 30 minute museum tolerance)

Some good friends of ours live in Evanstan and had us over for dinner Sunday night.
This is Rex and Enzo.
We were living in Pullman (the first time) when Rex was born.
Now he's 7 and gave us a violin recital, complete with a hand written program and intermission.
Enzo is 5 and showed me his legos and knock-knock joke skills.
Oh, and we had a nice time with Nick and Alice too.

Chicago is a beautiful city. It rained the first two days we were there, but Monday was bright and crisp and lovely.

It was hard to leave the girls and we missed them a lot.
But it was great to have uninterrupted time together.
It feels like life gets so busy these days that it's easy to forget who you're married to.
These breaks are so good for Aleks and I, it gives us time to reconnect and dream and plan.

When we got back, the girls were certainly glad to see us, but they had a wonderful time with Grandma and Papa.
Grandma and Papa said they had a nice time too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dress Up

Today I had a minute to pull out my camera and capture some of Maia's awesomeness.

Ruby's had such a hard week.
Demanding doesn't even come close to describing it.

Maia has been so great about occupying herself while my attention has been elsewhere.

Sometimes her self entertainment translates to drawing with marker all over her hands and face.

And other times I manifests itself in an accessory party!

"Wow, I look so beautiful!"

 Yes. Yes you do.