Friday, October 21, 2011

InstaFriday: A Full Week

It was fall break this week which meant that Aleks was home Monday and Tuesday.
It wasn't super restful, but we got a lot done!

Ruby fell down the stairs last weekend.
She's gotten really good at climbing up the stairs.
But to get down, she likes to sit on a step and lean forward.
It works if she's only 1 step up, but any high than that, and this happens.

One of my students gave her senior recital on Sunday.
She did really well and I was proud of her.
I've only taught her for about 2 months and the recital was already programmed and learned when we started. It was hard for me to claim any credit, since I mostly polished a few things.
For those of you who are non-musicians/singers, it's kind of like another football coach trained the team and developed all the plays. Then I come in during the Superbowl and say "maybe we should run 3 feet to the left on that play instead of 4" and get all the credit when they win.

Anyway, here she is at the dress rehearsal.

The girls have been playing together more and more.

Ruby is a super sleeper. We're talking 12-13 hours at night and a 2 1/2 hour nap.
This isn't a rash, it's an imprint from her blanket.
She slept hard.

Maia's been taking a dance class at the Y.
She loves Wednesdays which are "dance class days."

I don't really want to talk about it.
All I will say is it's gotten really bad this week.
I'm hoping it's a phase.

And finally,
Maia got a haircut!

I get a little sentimental when I see that first picture, but the bob is going to be soooo easy.
She also got her first lollipop.

So, that was our week.
Tomorrow, my first 5k.
Why did I sign up?!
 I'll let you know how it goes.

Linking up with Jeannett:

life rearranged


  1. Oh that picture of hand/foot holding is adorable!! As well as the new haircut! Your kiddos are absolutely precious. Hope y'all have a great weekend! Good luck in your first 5K!

  2. stopping by from life rearranged, i'm having a huge ($100) giveaway going on at my blog and would love for you to stop by- xoxo nicole

  3. looks like a great week :)

    hand foot holding is too cute. :) your girls LOVE each other.

    and can't wait for the report on the 5k! as i crossed the finish line on sunday i was giggling b/c they were announcing the awards ceremony and i was thinking about your "timeline" :) i hope you make it - GO FOR GOLD EM :)
