Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We've hit the point in our vacation where we're all tired.
Having so many adventures takes a lot of energy!

Here's what's been going on:

Tilden Park

Swim day at Great Grandpa's house.
(Or as Maia said at one point, Great Grandpapapa)

Dentist appointment

Thanks to Pinkalicious, pink cupcakes were requested.
And made.

This pretty much sums it up!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Funday

Pancakes with Nana.

Visit to see Gramps.
(no pictures, but he's headed home today!)

Pier 39 visit

Lunch at Boudin.

Carousel ride

Ridiculously crowded on a Sunday


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Great Grandma!

Any guesses as to what this is?

My grandfather gave us his grand piano and on Saturday the movers came.
It'll take a couple of weeks to find its way to us in Wichita.
We're excited and honored to receive this gift.

Later that day we went to Piedmont to visit Great Grandma!
(Maia is wearing a dress that Grandma made for me.)

We all went to lunch and while waiting for our food, Ruby chomped down on a lemon.

And~ my sweet uncle was there!
It was so good to spend time with them.

And to eat a burger with avocado

in perfect weather.

Grandma wore the girls out with rides on her swivel chair and races down the hall.
We ended the day with a bath.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cuddles, Parks, and Boogers

On Thursday there was some of this going on

and a little of this.

I also got a run in before we met up with one of Aleks' friends from college.
Julianne has the most beautiful one year old.
I think they should move to Wichita so we could be neighbors and good friends.

This morning we got to see some of our Pullman friends who just happened to be in CA this week.

I could cuddle this little boy all day.
He said that he'd come home with me in my suitcase; I'm sure his little brother wouldn't mind too much.

After playing with her "best friend," Maia was worn out.
When I went in to wake her up, I found this.

We headed back out to meet up with my good friend from college so she could meet the girls.
As we were walking to get a treat, Maia reached out to hold Erin's hand.
My girl knows good people when she sees them.

And then when I got Maia out of her car seat, this was on her forehead.

Sorry, probably too graphic for you, but this is my life, people!

Tonight Aleks and I are headed out on a date.
It will be so good to sit and talk, we haven't seen too much of him these past few days.
Thanks you Nana for babysitting!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Auntie Annie!

First things first.
David's surgery went exactly as planned and was successful.
He's recovering in the ICU and breathing on his own.
Tomorrow he will be transferred out of the ICU and will be encouraged (forced) to walk.
We know that there is a lot of hard work ahead, but are so thankful that everything went well.

Aleks spent the night at his Dad's house so that they could be at the hospital before the sun was up.
Which meant I got all the fun of a 4:30 am wake up to myself!

We had pancakes and milk while waiting for daylight and then took our pails and shovels to the marina to dig.

One of the things I love about this age, is that filling up a bucket with sand is super entertaining and can last for a half hour.
We would have stayed longer, but it was cold!

On the drive home we saw this great park, which the girls adored.
I thought it was pretty spiffy too.

Until I saw some people sleeping in the middle of the structure.
I'd forgotten that is something that comes with living in a big city.

When we got home I talked spoke to my grandpa who mentioned that he was on his way to see my Auntie Annie in Wheatland and off-handly mentioned that we should come along.

I hardly do things spontaneously anymore.
Mostly because I think the girls' sleep schedule is so important.
So initially I didn't consider driving out to see my aunt as a viable option.
But, you only live once right?
And an hour and a half drive is a lot shorter than it would take to drive from Wichita.

As I took this picture, I thought "this is either a really great idea or a horrible one."

We arrived after an uneventful drive (the girls did not take their naps in the car) and totally surprised Annie and Rob.
We went for a swim in their saltwater pool, which is awesome.

After our swim, Maia told me that she was teaching "the boy" (my cousin Nate, who is 12) all about the classification of dinosaurs.
(Thanks for being a good sport Nate!)

Then the girls sorted bouncy balls according to size.

And when that got old, Aunt Annie took them to the shower and dumped them out where they bounced off the walls and floor.

And then there was birthday cake.

And the girls dug right in.

And 10 minutes into our drive home, they both fell asleep.

I'd say it was a pretty successful trip.
Happy Birthday Auntie Annie!
Thanks for letting us crash your party.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Today we went to visit Aleks' dad.
Luckily for us, he works near Jack London Square, one of my favorite spots in Oakland.
After a quick stop at the office

we headed to the water to see the boats.
(Maia was terrified of the loud train going by)

It took Ruby a little time to warm up, but once she did, it was all smiles and hugs for Gramps.

I love how strongly the Sternfeld genes are present in my little Ruby.
Case in point.
Here's Aleks when he was about 1 or 2.

Ruby seems to recognize that connection.
Only Gramps' hand would do.

We stumbled upon the cutest bakery.
You must visit this place if you're ever in the area.
I had my first maccaron and I totally understand what all the hype is about.

David has the most tender, loving heart.
Aleks inherited this, along with his hands.

However, David's physical heart isn't so good. 
Tomorrow he's undergoing triple bypass surgery.
While this is a scary time for all of us, we know he's in good hands and can't wait to have him healthy and strong.