Monday, March 30, 2020

How are you doing?

Everyone doing ok?

I ripped March off our family calendar, a day early. April is all filled out, full of hope. It's amazing how full those little boxes are, in spite of all that's been cancelled.

Here in Kansas, we just started 30 days of shelter at home.

So much change and uncertainty is overwhelming.

Saturday was hard for Ruby.

Today was hard for me.

In the past few weeks I have been so proud of everyone in our community. The teachers in our district, the professors at the university, our neighbors, the grocery workers, the mail carriers.

So many adjustments have been made. The reslience I see from everyone is astounding.

I know this isn't forever and that we just need to each day as it comes. Stay in the moment. Be grateful for full refrigerators and good health.

It felt good to make plans for April. To write here after a long hiatus. The ritual of washing dishes and tidying the house helps.

I'm proud of you all. For doing your best. For feeling your feelings.

We can do this.

Here's a picture of the girls from today. Enjoy.