Sunday, March 31, 2013

Runner Problems

So, I apologize in advance for the nature of this post, but I need advice!

I registered for a 10K on Saturday, the Easter Sun Run, an established race in Wichita with lots of participants.
I've run 6 miles before (and more!), but never in a timed, official capacity.
The race started at 8:30 and was about a half hour from my home.
According to my 1/2 marathon training program, my long run this weekend was 8 miles.
So, I needed to do a mile warmup, run the 10K, and finish with a mile cool down.
My point in all of this, is that I needed to leave my house by 7 to park and warmup before the race.

As a "runner" I've come to realize that bowels play a large role in the success and enjoyment of a run.

On Friday I planned my lunch to be my large meal, consisting of a sandwich, some pretzels, an apple, and a couple chocolate eggs.
I ate a light dinner of roasted butternut squash with toasted pecans and some mashed black beans with cheese. 
(In hindsight, the beans might have been a bad idea.)

My plan was to wake up at 5 am, have my coffee, drink a ton of water, both of which would help with my morning "movement" and eat a banana before the race.

Keep in mind, that I like things to be structured. I like a schedule. I like knowing what to expect. And my body responds. 
Things (if you get my drift) usually happen by 8:30 AM. In this case, I was hoping to speed along the process.

At 4:45 Saturday morning, a huge storm blew over our house. Lightening, thunder, hail, the works.
Both girls woke up terrified and were hiding under the covers in our bed.

No one went back to sleep after that. We got up, I had my coffee. Aleks and I, bleary eyed, supervised the girls' play. The storm lingered for a bit and then passed over. I was confidant the race would not be canceled.

Keep in mind, I had been anxious about this race all week. 
I know I can run the distance, but add that evaluative, competitive element and I turn into a nervous wreck.

So, at 5:30, with the girls in bed and all of us awake and listening to the abating storm, I was already starting to wimp out.
6:30 rolls around and there have been no trips to the bathroom.
7:00 still nothing. 
At 7:15 I decide to skip the race.

But not my training, darn it!

So at 9:00 I head to the gym to run my 8 miles. And I did it and it was fine.
It certainly wasn't as fun as the race would have been, but I had to stop and use the restroom in the middle, which made me feel validated about my choice to skip the race.

I would have been so miserable if that had happened on the course. 
What do people do? 
Are there port a potties around? 
Squat behind a tree?
I'm mortified just thinking about it.

And my stomach was messed up for the rest of the day.

I don't quite know what I'm going to do on the day of the half marathon.
I certainly can't wimp out on the main event!

Runners, help!
Should I just not eat the entire day before the race? 
Not sleep? 
Just eat bananas and things that will bind me up?

Maybe I should just take up Zumba.
Aleks would love that.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Big Girl Camera

Tonight as I was putting Maia down for bed, she accidentally jabbed me in the eye. I reacted as you might expect and told her, sternly, that she needs to be careful with her body.

She then said to me, "Mom you are dramatic today."


I haven't pulled my real camera out for a long time. So long, in fact, that when I did, the battery was dead.
I did, however, snap a few shots of my girls these past few days.

Ruby was waiting for her lunch.

She didn't seem to see me at first, 

but as I got closer...

Then, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles (anyone know the show that is from???), Maia took a nap yesterday!

I love her rosy cheeks after she wakes up.

This nugget, on the other hand, did not nap. And hasn't for the past 3 days, as a matter of fact.

And then, Maia did this all on her own, no prompting from me for a funny face.
I love this picture so much.

See those bandaids on her finger? She's been to proud/excited about wearing them.

Um, hello gorgeous.

 We also made peanut butter cookies. Delicious AND fun!

Come on, you have to admit big girl camera > iPhone pics.
Here's to using the real camera more often!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Power shift

There has been a shift going on in our household these past few weeks.
It sounds something like this.

Maia: Ruby, can I play with that toy when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *starts to cry* Mommy! Ruby said I can't play with that toy when she's done.
Me: Maia, stop crying, that's not how we get what we want. Ruby, when you're done playing with that toy, Maia gets to have a turn.
Ruby: *Silent* (I'm refusing to admit that she's already ignoring me)
Maia: Ruby, can I play with that toy when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *crying* Mommy! Ruby said no!
Me: Maia, it's fine, I told Ruby that she has to give it to you when she's done.
Maia: But, Ruby said no.
Me: Don't worry about it, I'm the boss and I say you can have a turn.
Maia: Ruby, can I play with that when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *crying* I want to play with it when you're done.
Me: Ruby. Ruby, look at me. When you're done, then it's Maia's turn.
Ruby: Ok, here you go Maia.
Maia: *very quietly* Thank you Ruby.

Or this.

Maia: Oh! I've got to go potty. *runs to the bathroom*
Ruby runs after her.
Maia starts screaming.
Ruby laughs hysterically.
Maia: Ruby! No! Leave me alone!
Ruby continues to chase her sister, until Maia is screaming at the top of her lungs, while backed into the corner of the bathroom.
As I come to the scene, I see Maia screaming, half in terror and half in frustration that Ruby won't listen to her and Ruby laughing with complete glee.

Aleks is often worried that Ruby is a pushover to Maia's bossy first born tendencies, but I don't think we have to be worried.

On another note, the girls are constantly singing.
Have you ever seen an improv sketch (they sometimes do it on SNL) where there are two people who are supposed to be singing the same song, but as actors, they have no script?
They have to try and say the same words at the same time while making up a melody.
My girls do this all the time.
I'll have to try and capture it on video sometime, but it is my absolute favorite.

The other day in the car, Maia was singing, "I have the loveliest voice. Listen to me sing!"

And a few days ago I caught the end of Ruby's adorable composition. She had just finished twirling and singing "I am amazing, I love you!" when I got the camera rolling.

Pretty stinking adorable, if I do say so myself.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Growing Up

I kissed the girls goodbye today as I left for work. They were lying on our bed, watching the iPads while Daddy took a quick shower. They're headed to the zoo this morning.
Ruby gave my a big hug and smooched me as I said goodbye.
Maia, barely glanced my direction and I had to tickle her to get some eye contact.
A big part of their personalities is evident in their goodbyes. 
Ruby is always ready for any kind of physical contact and gives the best hugs.
Maia, on the other hand, becomes so focused on the event at hand that it's extremely hard to break into the bubble she's formed around herself.
Even when she isn't pre-occupied, Maia's hugs usually consist of a half hearted lean into whomever she is hugging.

As I drove to work, I was thinking about these girls and how Maia is already pulling away from me. We're losing a bit of that connection as she discovers the world and realizes everything that exists outside of her mama.
I understand this is the way things happen and in a certain sense, I'm grateful for it. 
But, a lot of our interactions lately have involved me saying "no" and "please don't climb on the table" and "go slowly while you're carrying your milk to the table" and the most repeated "get your fingers out of your mouth!"

She does still crave my attention. 
Mostly through playing dog; where she's the dog and Ruby is the mom and I'm the grandma. It involves me holding a conversation in a grandma voice while she responds with "Arf." Or she wants to play Minnie. Which means that I'm Goofy and I talk in a funny voice.
Neither game is my favorite.

This week I finally changed my email over to a google account. I've had the yahoo one forever and it's a ton of work to switch over. Mostly, it's stressful trying to think of all the accounts that need to be changed.  I think it's worse than changing your mailing address, everything is electronic now. I'm just hoping that I haven't forgotten anything. A lot of my time this week has been spent in front of the computer.

All this to say, I think I need to play with my kids more. I need to set aside a certain amount of time a day, where I'm not cleaning or cooking or working and just focus on my kids. They want me to play with them now, even if it's on their terms, and I think, if I make the sacrifice now (getting licked by the "dog", talking in the Goofy voice for 20 minutes), then when they are older and less inclined to hang out with Mom, they'll know that I spend quality time with them and really listen. And they might just keep talking to me.

So, I hereby proclaim that the dishes and emails and bills can wait! 
Maia and Ruby, Goofy is coming your way.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Read and Romp Day

Yesterday was the 15th annual Read and Romp day at Maia's school.
Being new to this school, I had no idea what to expect.

The librarian (Mrs. Mattix) and gym teacher (Mrs. Wagner) plan each event a year in advance.
They use both gyms and the music room.
There are 10 stations/books that parent volunteers run.

At each station a book is read and then the students play a game that is related to the book.
For example, one of the books they read was "Jungle Run" by Tony Mitton.

After reading the book, the kids got to do their own Jungle Run, racing through an obstacle course of whimsical trees, foam hills, a gym mat cave, and rubber lily pads.

I was blown away by the extent of planning and thought that went into this event.
Maia goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but was invited to attend with a mommy chaperone.
Which meant a 2 year old side kick as well.

About halfway through the event, Ruby found her courage and acted like one of the big kids.
Listening to the books, playing the games, and even getting a snack!

That's Maia and her sweet friend Reese.
They're going to be on the same soccer team too!

I was getting a kick out of the posters hung through out the gyms.
I particularly like this one.

 It's more than just how fit I've gotten.
It keeps my brain from turning rotten!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A new arrival

I love spring. It's so full of expectation and hope and joy.
Today the sky was filled with clouds and thunderstorms filled the day. In between episodes of rain, our first glimpses of robins came as they searched for food in the wet grass.
It was a promising reminder that spring is just around the corner.

And along with approaching spring has come the arrival of my nephew, Theodore William Kyhn.

He was born on March 3, measuring 9 1/2 lbs and 21 inches.

As it goes with most labor, there are lots of twists and turns in the difficult journey to encompassing  love that is the inevitable conclusion, but Cydney did an amazing job and Theo is here, ready to carry on the Kyhn name.

From the reports I've received, Audrey is completely fascinated and in awe of her little brother.

And my little brother is now a dad of two.

Sweet Theo.
I can hardly wait to kiss those little cheeks and inhale that yummy baby smell.