Sunday, August 31, 2014


Today I ripped off August from our calendar to reveal September's page.

This next season is swallowing us up into it's current of reading charts and colored shapes and meetings and paperwork and repertoire lists.

It's wonderful, it really is. Not just the sweet freshness of my girls' new school experiences, but also my return to work and the excitement of the college atmosphere.

I often stop to think how fortunate I am to work with college age students. Of course it's not all roses but the goose pimples that occur in my studio are addicting.

There's more to say. Thoughts are developing roots which will hopefully become something of worth that I can share.

But for now, I'll leave you with Ruby, who was couponing during breakfast the other morning, while waiting for her coffee.

Happy Labor Day.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


About 45 minutes before we left for Ruby's first day of school, she tripped and skinned her knee on the pavement.
You would have thought her leg was cut to bone, the way she carried on.
(see bandaid on the left knee)

"Ruby, are you nervous about going to school today?"
"No! I'm not nervous!"

Only Baia would comfort her and she cuddled with Maia's pink bunny all the way to school.

Thankfully her leg wasn't TOO badly hurt, so she could walk into school herself.

You'd think it would be easier with the second one.


Kelle says what I wish I had found the words to say "You're still going to leave feeling like you left your own beating heart in a cooler in a classroom, asking someone else to make it thrive for seven hours."

Thankfully I only have to let go for 3 hours at a time. Baby steps for this mama.

I definitely was crying down the hallway as Maia and I walked to the car.

At pickup I got the biggest hug (honestly, she always gives the best hugs anyway) and we were right back where we left off. Complaining about a hurt knee and cuddling Baia.

Girlfriend was tired.

First days need to be celebrated. For the courage to try new things. For putting our best face on, even though we're a little nervous inside and our knees are skinned.

Frozen yogurt for all!
Also, why does this week have to be the hottest week of the summer?!

My strong-willed, affectionate, dramatic girl has taken a huge first step today and I couldn't be more proud of her. This child especially has been strongly connected to her mama. The gradual separation is often painful, but we're both ready.

Monday, August 18, 2014


The first day has come and gone.
We are all exhausted and handling it in different ways.

It's funny how the effects of change sneak up and you don't notice it until you're suddenly trying not to cry in your muscle pump class when the instructor runs in late because it was her daughter's first day of kindergarten as well.

This week we all start school. Maia will be in afternoon kindergarten five days a week. Ruby will be in afternoon preschool three days a week.

But today was really Maia's day.

My smart, sassy firstborn had her first day of kindergarten.
And she was ready.

The teachers were all "just drop your child off in the car line and someone will be there to meet them" and I'm all "my little girl is only going to have a first day of kindergarten once so I'm walking her in" while quivering inside because this 33 year old firstborn doesn't like to break the rules.

Maia embraced this day with enthusiasm. She couldn't hug me goodbye fast enough.
"Can I take of picture of you and Mrs. Hays?"
"No!" (I swear she rolled her eyes too)

What I'm realizing is, the older they get, the less time they spend with me. More and more outside influences impact their minds.

Do they know how wonderful they are? Will they choose to be loving and kind?

It's not that I'm sad my girls are growing up. I'm quite excited about that actually. I'm just scared of what I don't know. That maybe whatever happens at school will change her beyond recognition.

Then I pick her up and she's all smiles and I'm fighting back tears again because she's exactly the same (and alive) and if she can be open to new experiences, than maybe I can too.

How is she so brave?

We're almost to the car and then I hear in a tiny voice "Mommy I really need to go potty." And just like that I'm back on solid ground. This I know how to handle.

Tomorrow she takes the bus to school.
Wednesday Ruby starts.

Hold me.

Or send wine.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


So. We got a puppy.
She's the sweetest thing you'll ever meet.

Aleks and I have always planned to get a dog. We've just been putting it off. You know, we're too busy. The girls are too young. We can't afford it. It'll be too much work.

Our friend Stephanie was running this weekend and found little Isabelle under a car. She took her to the vet, got her checked out, and kept her fed and safe. Meanwhile, Stephanie's husband started sending Aleks pictures of this adorable pit bull/chihuahua mix.

Well, we went to meet this little girl and it only took 10 minutes and I knew we'd be calling her ours.

She really is the sweetest puppy I've ever known. She's very laid back and calm. She doesn't bark a whole lot and just barely nibbles on our fingers. She's not house trained yet, but slept through her first night here, just waking up at 5, wanting to snuggle.

She's providing some much needed balance in this intense, loud household. I'm hoping she will teach my girls that there are times to be still and gentle.

Seriously, Aleks and I have to stay vigilant or we're going to have some Of Mice and Men action here.

She's waaaaaaaay easier than any of my babies ever were. And the best part is? I don't have to breastfeed her or change any diapers! Also, her crying doesn't strike panic in my body like my children's wails did.

She lies on my chest at night, tucked under my chin and makes sucking noises in her sleep.

Maia thought she needed a fancy name, like Princess Celestia. Aleks was able to convince her that Isabelle is a fancy name too.

We're all pretty excited about this new addition.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday friday

Has anyone seen Lean Remini's new reality show "It's All Relative"?
I'm probably enjoying it more than I should.
I mean, I'm actually laughing out loud sometimes. I never do that.

On a related note, I think nothing points out aging more, than when one takes preemptive measures to combat it.

If I'm going to have a sagging chin as I get older, God give me the peace to accept and embrace it.

On a semi-related note, anyone know what happens after cellulite? You know, you're born with perfect, smooth skin and then puberty hits and cellulite happens and then you have two kids and no matter how many muscle pump classes you take, nothing helps. What happens next?

 Just asking for a friend.

Ruby nearly passed out crying tonight because she said her forehead hurt. We've been through this once before and headed to the ER, in our panic, which resulted in very expensive slushies and 15 minutes of a movie.

So, I've got her number. We made do with an ice pack and some ibuprofen. (My parents actually say eye-byou-profen. Does anyone else say that? I always thought it was eye-bee-profen) Still, it's a little worrying. She's only 3.

Two weeks until school starts. Can you tell I'm a bit on edge?

I'm about to have one in kindergarten and one in preschool.

So naturally I'm feeling the need to purge our house and repaint/clean every surface. Aleks asked if I'm nesting.


I can barely handle the two kids I've got.

And for the record, "nesting" is just part of my personality. I'm just learning that most people don't feel the desire to clean the little corners on the outside of kitchen cabinets with q-tips.

I know. I've got issues.


Happy weekend!