Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving has come and gone and it's already time to think about Christmas! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my parents and Aleks' dad. In the week surrounding Thanksgiving, Pullman had a record snow storm. We saw about 2 feet of snow.

We were so grateful to my dad who shoveled the driveway and sidewalk several times for us. Aleks and I now know that if we buy a house in the future, it shouldn't be a corner lot. A corner lot in the winter= double the sidewalk to shovel!

Aleks BBQ'd the turkey this year. It was an organic, grass fed bird from a local farmer in the Palouse. Aleks brined it 2 nights before, then on Thanksgiving Eve covered it in herb butter and put it in the fridge to dry the skin out. It ended up being very juicy on the inside and had very crisp skin. It was a 25 pound turkey, so we just finished eating the last of the meat.

Here's the chef with my mom, who made the pies! Yummy!

Ruby got to spend the holiday being held by her Gramps and Papa. What a huge help to me, since I have get to hold her all the time!

And of course, here's Maia on Thanksgiving. That week she also spent some time in her tutu.