Monday, February 14, 2011

Some of Maia's phrases

Maia is a chatterbox these days!
Here are some of the phrases we frequently hear around the house:

"Look at me! I'm a princess. La la la la" (this includes dancing around while she sings)

A view of the back. :)

"Mommy, what doing?"

"So cute!"

"I love it."


We were in the car listening to the radio and Rachmoninoff's piano prelude in C# minor came on. Maia said, "ooo, piano!".

She also thinks that there should be sheep and bears in Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals.

Sometimes when she asks to watch "Cat in the Hat" I say "no way kiddo!". Now she says "Cat hat? No way!".

Watching her beloved "Cat in the Hat." We've moved on from Sid the Science Kid.

"Big yawn Ruby!"

"I got me!"

Maia will be 2 in April. It's hard to believe.

Ruby at 5 months

Ruby turned 5 months old on Feb. 9.
She's just about 13 pounds.

I feel like she's definitely out of the newborn phase and is a real baby now. Ruby constantly reaches for things to put in her mouth and is forever drooling. I suppose it's about teething time and now we'll be crediting every cranky mood to "teething".

We've started Ruby on rice cereal and she loves it. She's getting the hang of swallowing and with each feeding more cereal is ending up in her mouth than on her bib and face. When she sees the spoon, she lurches forward in her bumbo with a huge open mouth. It's like trying throw a ring on a wobbling bottle at a carnival...

Ruby continues to be sweet tempered and cuddly. We often get half a giggle out of her. However, I'm finding out that there is a fine line between the giggle and crying. Ruby hasn't really rolled over anymore, but I can tell that she really wants to (back to front). She's also starting to show more strength in her core and I think she'll be able to sit on her own in a month or so.

Just yesterday I was thinking how quickly it has gone and how Ruby is growing. It made me nostalgic and think that maybe I'm not done having babies around... let's blame it on lingering hormones.

I did mention this to Aleks and he about threw me out of the house.