Sunday, March 20, 2016

International Day of Happiness

According to a snapchat filter, today is the International Day of Happiness. Lord knows I've been working hard to be happy here in Wichita. I'm going to be honest, choosing to be happy here is a constant struggle. However, for better or worse, I'm a stubborn lady and I'm not ready to give up just yet.

So, in no particular order, here are some things that are making me happy today:

1. Spring break. We are just coming off a week of spring break and it has been a much needed respite for the entire family. We spent a night in Kansas City at Great Wolf Lodge and went to the American Girl Doll Store.

The rest of the week was spent reading, playing, cooking, and not feeling the need to be anywhere. It was just the break we needed to finish out this school year focused and motivated.

2. My girl Ruby. So often I look at this little girl in amazement. She looks just like her dad, but inside we are one and the same. Our hearts are connected in a way that is unlike any other relationship I've experienced. She pushes me and frustrates me in ways I never thought imaginable. And yet, she has such a tender heart and an ability for emotional empathy far beyond her age.

3. My girl Maia. This kid looks so much like me, but her spirit is a reflection of her dad. She rarely has a bad day, quick to smile and always ready for fun. She has a tender heart and is often concerned with how others are doing. She is very considerate and silly. I'll never tire of seeing those slightly crooked adult front teeth flash with each big grin. There is so much I can learn from her approach to life.

4. My dear sweet husband. I really like him, which is something I do not say lightly. We'll be married 13 years in September. Unequivocally, my life is better because we're together. It's such a paradox that our bond to each other is at the same time stronger and more resilient to outside forces, yet complex and fragile as we both continue to evolve as individuals.

5. Especially during these past few months, I have been aware of the loving, thoughtful friends that have come into my life. Their authenticity, humor, and friendship make me happy.

6. Coffee. Aleks got me this and this for Christmas. Every morning I experience profound joy as I perform my morning ritual.

7. My students. This year, especially, I have a really special group of high schoolers and young adults with whom I get to work. They are interesting, invested, talented, and funny.

It's fitting that the International Day of Happiness falls on the first day of Spring. Nothing speaks to happiness like new growth. Spring, with the new life that pushes through soil and from the dead ends of branches resonates with me in the same way that a belly laugh can; taking my focus into the future and all the possibility it holds.