Friday, August 30, 2013

Miss America 2013

So my job can be pretty fun at times.
There's never a dull moment; no typical 9-5 for me.
Which I love.

Two months ago I got an email from Miss Kansas asking if I'd be willing to help prepare her talent for the Miss America pageant in September.
She said she was singing "Nessun Dorma."

Many of you will not understand the significance of that choice, but for classical musicians, it's a bit blasphemous.

I agreed to meet with her, expecting a musically painful experience.

We met and I learned that she is a hunter and originally wanted to do archery for her talent.
Apparently it was too much of a liability and singing is Plan B.

Well, to my surprise and delight, Miss Kansas can sing!

I've been working with Theresa for about 2 months now and she has changed my preconceived ideas about what pageant girls are like.
She is the 6th of nine children, raised in a military family.
Theresa is in the army and goes to Kansas State University majoring in either chemistry and Chinese.
She wants to follow in her father's footsteps and become a dentist.

She's very layered.
And smart.

I'd be surprised if she isn't in the top 5.

At her lesson last week, Theresa told me that 20/20 picks three contestants every year and does a special on them.
This year, she is one of the girls they chose to do a story on and wanted to film her last voice lesson.

So today, a lovely camera woman from NYC came to our session and there's a slight possibility that my face and vocal coaching will be seen on national television an hour before the pageant airs.

Seriously, how cool is my life sometimes?!

I really like Theresa.
I was able to give her some good tools and technical basics and I really think she is going to do well in New Jersey.

This year, the top 14 are decided by the judges, but the 15th slot will be picked by America.
If you want to vote for Theresa, you can watch her video and vote here.

This experience has taught me that being willing to do something that seems a bit unorthodox or outside my wheel house can lead to some pretty cool experiences.

So, here's to Miss America 2014, hopefully her name is Theresa Vail!

The Chatter: Bodily Functions

This is kind of a slacker edition of Chatter, we're still getting our feet under us with the start of the school year.

Maia finishes up her first week of school today and is loving every minute of it.
They've been reviewing shapes and manners, part of which entails discussing germs and washing hands and all of that.
The curriculum in gym this year is involving a lot of talk about the correlation between physical movement and brain development.
Even in these first few days, Maia has been thinking a lot about her body and how it works.

Yesterday when she came home from school she told me, "There was a little bit of blood in my nose, but I got it out and ate it so that the blood went back in me."

Then when we went swimming and she was out of breath so Maia started slapping her chest to get more air in.

I wish I could understand all that goes on in her little brain.

Also, this is how she was sleeping the other night.


Aleks told Ruby the other day that when we used up all the pull-ups she was going to have to start pooping in the potty.
Well 2 days later the basket was empty.

(I think Aleks thought we had at least another week. I'd keep her in diapers as long as she wants, I hate potty training!)

Anyway, poor thing kept telling us last night, "but pull-ups for sleeping!"
She's kept her underwear dry through the night twice, but has yet to go number 2 in the toilet.
Hopefully, potty prizes will help this transition.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Two, almost three year olds are exhausting

My little Ruby is turning 3 in a couple of weeks.
I am so ready to leave the terrible twos behind and experience the terrific threes.

Lately I've been at my wits end with her whining and tantrums.
I'm constantly amazed that there is always just a bit more patience to spare if I dig deep enough.

She's just so volatile.
At bed time any number of things can lead to a tantrum of catastrophic proportions.

"I want your ponytail out!"
"My blanket's not tucked in tight enough!"
"That's too tight!"
"Not across my neck!"
"I want the hall light turned on by the switch next to Maia's bed, not by my door!"

People assure me it's typical of kids her age.
But I don't remember Maia being this difficult.

I'm worried I'm failing her, not teaching her proper ways to deal with frustration and that she's going to grow up into this angry person with whom no one wants to be friends.

Oh, but when she's not being a pill, she is the sweetest thing I know.
Eager to give hugs and kisses, the silliest of my two girls with an infectious chuckle.

So, any experienced moms with emotional, explosive kids out there have advice for me?
How have you helped grow your kids into pleasant people?

Maybe I'll just have her wear cowgirl boots every day so that the cuteness overrides the thorniness.
Ha! If only all life's difficulties could be solved with cute shoes.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. 
I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. 
On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms."

I love fall and the beginning of new schedules and school supplies and all of that.
I'm always a little disappointed when school starts and it's 90 degrees.
Where are the orange and yellow leaves?
But, 90 degree weather and all, the start of school inevitably invokes excitement and a quickening in my mood.

On Wednesday Maia started pre-K.
She will be going to school 5 days a week now.
I keep reminding myself it's just 3 hours a day, not that long... right?!

Aleks took her to school and sent me the following pictures:

I think she was a little bit nervous, although she denied it every time we asked her.

Some friends from last year.
Two of these precious girls are in Maia's class and one is right next door.

Apparently they all held hands and walked into class together.

We're really excited to have Mrs. Burcham this year, although, it feels a little wrong to walk past Mrs. Patrick's room and not go in.
Hopefully Ruby will get the Mrs. Patrick experience next year!

Last year I was choked up walking in to pick up Maia on her first day, holding back tears as she came to greet me.
This year is completely different.
I'm excited for her to be at school again and learning.
That's the biggest thing, this year feels more about the business of learning.
So, here's to a new school year, full of excitement and new experiences!

And just for fun, here she is a year ago, and then on her first day of school this year.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Is it Winter Break yet?

Go bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

We got home from California and life went from a leisurely jog to full on sprint.

Before we left for our vacation, Aleks noticed that a spot on our ceiling had gotten bigger. When he touched it, he poked through the dry wall.
So, when we got back we had our home warranty people out to find and fix the leak.

Meanwhile, I had decided that I needed to go through the girls' clothes to see what kind of shape we are in for the school year.
I now recognize this as the start of all the madness.

The next day the plumber cut a hole in our ceiling, found the leak, and informed us that the dry wall he had removed was full of mold.

He also kindly left a thin layer of dry wall dust throughout the room.
Which propelled me into a cleaning tailspin.

Blinds, fans, windows (inside and out), floors, furniture, you name it, I cleaned it.

In the midst of our mold/ceiling debacle, our offices at work were finally finished and we were given permission to move.

Cue packing up and moving our home office to school.

Meanwhile, we decided to get a few estimates on what it would cost to get rid of the mold and repair the ceiling.

A dry wall repair company referred us to a mold removal company, who came out and recommended a plan of action (which included covering the existing hole to reduce the traveling of mold spores).

The gave us a quote that was quite reasonable and so they vacuumed out the mold, sprayed it with some sort of anti-mold potion, and left an industrial air purifier running for 24 hours.

At first I was excited about the white noise and anticipated a great night's sleep.
I swear it got louder and louder with each passing hour.

So now, we've got a mold free hole in our ceiling and are awaiting it's repair next week.

And yet in the midst of all this chaos, extreme cleaning, and upheaval lie many wonderful things.

Stickers, for one.

Sisters who like to wear matching panties.

A former home office turned into a craft/sewing room,
a former sewing space turned into reading nook,
and most of all,

Perhaps I'm being naive, but I'm hoping things slow down and even out when the semester starts.
If not, I'm going to require more coffee.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Chatter: Swimming

Go bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S 
Go bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S 
You lean to the left, 
and you lean to the right, 
you peel your banana, 
and UNNGGHHH you take a BITE!!! 

This has been our life this past week.

But more on that later.

In lieu of the craziness that is our life right now, here is a quick snippet of Maia chattering about swimming!

Ruby was bit distracted by her fruit loops...

Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wrap Up

Our last couple of days in California were filled to the brim.
We've only been home 2 days, but the trip already feels like it occurred a month ago.
I left the Golden State feeling grateful for family and trying to figure out a way to get back in the Bay Area permanently.

We had brunch with my grandma, aunt, and uncle on Saturday at the cutest little crepe shop in Oakland.

How gorgeous is she?!

It's the kind of place you take for granted when you live in an urban area, but is so hard to find here in the midwest.

Great Grandma.
The original sewing master.

Then we headed over to visit Aleks' dad one last time.
The girls enjoyed the pool. 
Aleks did not.
I think it had something to do with the 60 degree water.

Look at this girl go!
She wouldn't even put her face in the water at the beginning of the summer.

(I love her little gasp for air when she reaches the step)

It was a great vacation.
Next week, school starts!
Are you ready?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Has it really been 10 years since we graduated college?

Grainy pictures of margaritas and Mexican food. 
And college friends whom we haven't seen in a loooong time. 
The morning after is a blogging from a phone kind of morning. 

Everyone is so beautiful.
We're all in our 30s now. 

During our college years we frequented the local Chevys. 
Double chips were always coveted.

Studying for Dr. Stein's music history class bonded us like nothing else ever will. 

These people are so interesting and talented and are just good people. 

This mama stayed out later than she has in a long time. 

And a middle of the night party by my girls and 6 am wake up call were a bit brutal. 

But I'd do it again a million times over. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Triple G

That would be Great Grandpa and the SF Giants.
Both world champions in my book.

My Grandfather has decided to sell his house and is in the process of getting it ready for the market.
He ripped up the old shag carpet and found beautiful hardwood underneath.
They had just been finished the day before our visit.

My family will appreciate these pictures the most.

The facings on the stairs will be finished soon.

These pictures don't do the floor justice, but they are so bright and light and fresh.

While we moved some furniture, the girls did what I used to do when we visited Grandma and Grandpa.

After lunch, 

(Ruby really really really liked the cherries)

I tried to get a picture of the girls with their great grandfather.

Maia was keeping her eye on a bee that was buzzing nearby.

I managed to get a decent one, considering my girls are terrible about posing for pictures.

And then, finally, we let the girls go swimming.

 This trip marks the last time that we will swim in the Pappas pool.
I didn't realize how glad I was that my girls got the chance to enjoy it one last time.
Whoever buys this house is so lucky.
My grandparents took really good care of it.
I've never lived in one place/house longer than 5 years, but I've known this house all my life.
So many wonderful memories and lessons and milestones are wrapped up in the walls of this place.

And we can't forget the delicious fruit trees.
Ruby enjoyed this orange immensely.

There's nothing like good food, water, sun, and family to ensure a good night's sleep.

Which was important, because the next morning we headed to SF for a baseball game!

We thought it was going to be freezing, but it ended up sunny and warm.

The girls loved their first major league baseball game.

It made me a bit sad to think they aren't growing up with the opportunity to experience these things frequently.
The Bay Area is a magical place.

We made it to the 5th inning and by then the girls were done.
After a quick nap, we ended the day at the Benicia Farmer's Market.

So many wonderful memories being made!