Saturday, July 23, 2011

Splash Park

The city of Phoenix has splash pads! According to

Zero depth water play areas, splash parks, spray pads and pop-jet fountains are being built all over the metro Phoenix area. With 5 months of summer, it's no wonder that splash playgrounds are one of the most requested amenities of the various Parks and Recreation Departments around the Valley of the Sun.
Unlike a swimming pool, these wet play areas have or little or no depth to the water, making them perfect for anyone who doesn't swim but wants to enjoy some cool, wet fun. Some spray, some swirl, some dump water, some have jets that pop the water at different intervals, and some have a combination of these water feature. As an added benefit, most of them are in public parks or shopping areas, so they are free!
 It's the perfect thing to do when it's 80+ degrees at 10:00 in the morning.

The second Maia's suit was on, she took off running. 
And it took a serious amount of convincing to get her to leave. 
Even then there were lots of tears on the way to the car.

Ruby was a bit more cautious, but warmed up to it after a while.

And smiley Audrey loved it too!

After lunch (all of us) 
and a nap (everyone under 3, although, I wish I had taken one too), 
we headed to the mall to get some new sneakers.

There was an indoor play park thingy.

Can you spot Maia?

No? That's because it was insanely busy.
Here, I'll help you out.

Needless to say, she had such a fun day that going to bed was a bit of a challenge.
Which leads me to this:
From now on, Maia only gets to sit on her hands and eat porridge.

Just kidding.

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