Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ruby is 10 months old! (& Aleks does a food challenge)

Ok, be honest.
How many of you who are reading this find the food challenge more interesting than my darling daughter?

I understand. I'll just open with the insanity that is my husband as long as you promise to read the whole post.

There's a sandwich shop called Munchyz that Aleks frequented during the school year. And this sandwich shop has a Munchyz challenge that consists of eating 3 foot long subs.

My husband has attempted this challenge not once,

not twice,

but three times.

And has never been able to finish it. On his best day he finished 32 of the 36 inches.

You'd think that one failed attempt would be enough.


There's a restaurant in Moscow called Patty's Kitchen that also has a food challenge. 
The Vandal Burrito. 
Aleks and a friend of ours decided that they wanted to attempt it.

Here's how it went down:

Can you believe the size of that burrito? The whole thing is pretty disgusting.

But, there's another side to this story.

Here is our friend's burrito at the end of the challenge:

Admittedly, the shadows obscure the picture a little, but can you tell?!
It's all gone!

In 9 years, only 17 people had completed the challenge, and now our friend is #18.
The little guys can always eat the most!

Needless to say, both boys are pretty uncomfortable tonight.

Ok, now on to the good stuff... Ruby!

Our precious girlie is 10 months old today and it blows my mind that in 2 months she will be ONE.


At the risk of ruining everything, I'm going to tell you all that she's sleeping through the night now.
I feel like I have a new lease on life.

I set her on the scale today and it said 16.8 pounds. That seems kind of small to me, especially since she eats anything and everything I put in front of her.

She plays hide and seek with us, claps her hands, tries to put on necklaces, and copies a lot of what we do. Aleks heard her first word today: "mama." He swears that it's a for-real word, not just Ruby making sounds. We'll see. Maia was talking at 9 months, so it's not totally incomprehensible.

After thinking Ruby was teething a month ago, she is still toothless. Who knows when they'll poke through.

The other breaking news is that Ruby is mobile!

I'm not going to say she's crawling. She's more of a scooter. It's hard to describe. We'll see how long this lasts, since she can't move very fast. I think she's going to get impatient pretty soon and figure out another way to move more quickly.

Here's what she's been up to:

And of course, here's what big sis has been busy with:

Maia and Ruby still love each other!


  1. Oh Emily your girls are TOO ADORABLE! I love the pictures you take. And I love reading about what's going on in your family.

  2. Ruby is ahhhhhdorable! I love LOVE the photo of her with her tongue sticking out. So cute!

    I can't believe Aleks did that, silly boys. A food challenge sounds like a 3 day stomach ache to me!

    I can't wait to see you guys in just a few more short weeks!
