Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Goodbye Pullman

I promise this is the last post about saying goodbye to Pullman. After this it will be all excitement and new beginnings and fun!

This past week has been hard. We've said goodbye to a lot of wonderful people. We've been running around doing errands 24/7. Packing every possible second. Eating off of plastic dishes. I thought I was holding up ok.

Yesterday I went for a run and ended up sobbing halfway around the track.

I guess I'm more affected than I'm letting on.

I'm also losing my mind.

Aleks and I went to the bank the other day. We were under the impression that we had to close our accounts and then re-open them, blah, blah, blah. It turns out that the whole process is remarkably simpler than that. And the best part is, Pullman, WA is finally up to speed and the mobile banking app works! When the teller told us this glorious news, Aleks says that I turned to him and said with conviciton: "this is a game changer."

A) I don't even remember those words crossing my lips.

B) Does that sound like something I would say?!

C) I must be losing my mind.

Since that incident, Aleks has taken every opportunity to let me know what is a game changer and what isn't.

Aleks and I have spent the majority of our married life in Pullman. We started our family here. I'll miss the rolling hills in spring, the feeling of excitement as all the students begin arriving in August, the Red Barn pumpkin patch, the farmer's market, the 4th of July festivities. So many things. And most of all, the people.

It's been a good chapter of our lives.


  1. Oh you are making me cry!!! I miss Pullman so much! I loved it there. The people were the greatest and there are so many fun and fabulous things to do. Yes, it was a good chapter in our lives too. sigh. Good luck on your travels. I am sure the girls will do great!

  2. Aww. Love the picture of the front of your house. I think you will treasure that always.

    Excited to see what the next season brings you!

    And, I have ALWAYS wanted to live in Kansas, so I'm slightly Jealous...and I have never even been. :)

    Now I may have a reason to check it out!

  3. I miss Pullman too. Especially Moscow

  4. Have a safe journey to your new chapter. Susan
