Friday, December 2, 2011

InstaFriday: Home Stretch Edition

After today there will be a week of classes left and then one glorious month of freedom.
As I write this at 9 am, the practice rooms are buzzing with the sounds of practicing.
Keep in mind, it's usually dead silent this early.
Nothing like the pressure of juries to drive the students into practice rooms.

Thanksgiving was great. No marshmallow topped yams for us, but I have a serious love for the marshmallow.
I could eat this entire bag in one sitting.
Don't worry, I didn't.

The girls have been in fighting form this week. 
Not necessarily with each other, just generally crabby and demanding.
But when they're not being difficult, they are so sweet.
With me and with each other.

It's December now! I took a trip to World Market and despite wanting to buy everything in the store, I came away with this for Maia. (I would have bought one for Ruby, but still no teeth!)
My grandparents used to buy us these each year when we were little. I don't think you ever get too old for a chocolate advent calendar!

I also decided to put the tree up.
In all honesty, this is as far as the decorating got, but it makes me smile every time I see the tree lights.
And the smell of our fake tree transports me back to The Living Christmas Tree every time.

At the grocery store I put Ruby in the "race car" with Maia for the first time.
It actually made my shopping experience markedly better.
Ruby wasn't grabbing at my list or pulling all the cards out of my wallet.
Those carts are great for little kids, but they are a bit hard to steer.
For those of you who have the luxury of doing your grocery shopping without kids, be patient with us who have to maneuver an extra 4 feet of cart while making sure our kids aren't grabbing jars of sauerkraut off the shelves.
We're doing our best.

(I don't think Maia was thrilled to share her "race car."

Have a wonderful weekend!

Linking up with Jeanett:
life rearranged


  1. A tree just makes it all more cheery!! You girls are precious!! Choc advent sounds awesome for an adult! Ha!

  2. love it. your traditions are fun! advent calendars and fake trees! :)

  3. Your girls are adorable and I totally remember my advent calendars growing up : )

  4. Your girls are so cute! I love the picture of them in the race car. My mom used to get my sister and I those same advent calendars growing up.
