Friday, December 16, 2011


It's Friday again! And, I'm done for the semester! 
Juries are over. 
Grades are in. 
And I don't have to go back until Jan. 16. 
Being a professor does have its perks.

Apparently the sun has been sick this week. We had 5 days in a row of clouds. But yesterday and today have been bright and sunny!

Aleks and I love checking in on Maia before we go to bed.
The other night we found this:


The girls have been pretty crabby this week. Ruby especially. But, she has good reason. She finally cut a tooth! Like for real.
I'll try to get a picture soon...

Just when I was ready to give both girls away, they redeemed themselves.
Yesterday, when the girls were sitting at the piano, I over heard Maia saying, "Hey, Ruby. We're friends, right? Hey Ruby, we're friends."
And I was able to get this.

On Wednesday these people are coming

and they're bringing her.

I can hardly stand it.

Linking up Jeannett:
life rearranged


  1. such a sweet picture of your girls at the piano!!

  2. your girls are so sweet.

    i love checking on kk and ashy when i'm over at the johnsons. the BEST sleeping positions.

    hope you enjoy time with your brother sis in law and their cutie pie!

  3. bahahaha I definitely just laughed out loud!! We can't wait to see you in just a few days.

    I LOVE that photo of the girls at the piano! You neeeeed to frame that one.
