Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful holiday this year.

The morning started with a 5k.
This particular race benefitted Grace Medical, which is a clinic that provides medical attention to people who don't have insurance or are low income.
Over 1,000 people participated in this first annual event.

The weather was gorgeous for a late November morning.
I ran with the girls in the double stroller and Aleks ran with his iPod and tried to ignore us.

Running with the girls was a lot slower, but so much more fun.
Maia kept wanting to get out and run. Every time she "ran the race with mommy" she got a ton of attention. And she ate it up.
In fact, one person told me that her only goal was to beat Maia to the finish line.

The best part was that Maia and I crossed the finish line together.

I don't want to put words in Aleks' mouth regarding this race and his goals, but I'll share with you his Facebook status after the race:

"Well, it wasn't fast and it certainly wasn't pretty but I ran the whole thing."

I'm so very proud!
Here he is crossing the finish line!

Aleks' mom, sister, and our two nieces came to Wichita this Thanksgiving. We've been loving every minute together. Maia is especially excited to play with her cousins.

This year we're thankful for:

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Now, let the Christmas music begin!

1 comment:

  1. looks and sounds like an amazing thanksgiving.

    love that you and aleks ran it for the fun of it.
    awesome job on him RUNNING the whole thing.
    i can't do that. not even close.

    and LOVE that maia got to run it too and you guys were such good sports about it! :) love it all.

    gobble gobble!
