Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Chatter: Halloween

This year Maia is a witch for Halloween. Today she told Aleks "You know why I'm a witch for Halloween? Because I'm scared of witches. This way, if I'm a witch, then I can play with them."

I'm pretty impressed with her approach.

Ruby is Rapunzel.
(Don't mind the cleavage)

When I asked her what she's doing for Halloween, she said "I'm face painting Maia because she's a witch."

This year they are going trick or treating for the first time. I'll be in Emporia for the annual NATS conference, so I'll miss out on the sugar high, late bedtime, and inevitable crash and tantrums that will follow fun.

In other news, often when I've gotten ready for work Ruby will tell me "you look fabulous!" or my other favorite "you looked stunned."
I think she means stunning, but I believe stunned is accurate too.

Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. Stunned. Awesome. Tim used to say, "lucky duckling" instead of "lucky duck." I loved it!

  2. stunned.

    and maia is a brave girl. i love it. :)
