Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Potty Trained! (and the F-bomb)

Dare I say it?
Maia is potty trained!
It took about 2 weeks. 
She has yet to go when we are out of the house, but she's been really good at holding it until we get home.
And she's still in diapers at night.

One of her potty prizes was this dinosaur egg that gets submerged in water and hatches.
Maia was so excited. She climbed up on her chair incessantly throughout the day to see if it had hatched. She even sang it a good night song.

The next morning it was hatched!
Aleks washed it off for her and let her hold it while she was on the potty.

I looked in on her and she was holding the dinosaur on her lap, looking at it skeptically. She looked up at me and asked, "Mommy is it just a toy dinosaur?" My heart broke at her disappointment. We had to explain about extinction and I almost went out to buy her a pet. 
Thankfully, Aleks talked me down; I don't want to clean up after anything else.

Later that day, she was rhyming and found a word that starts with an "f" and rhymes with truck.

This little girl has had me in stitches all week.

Today I finished a project in Maia's room.

I had three frames that I wasn't using and found a fourth, larger one at Goodwill.

I primed and then painted them all with gloss paint.
I filled the center of the large frame with chalkboard paint.

Anyone know what book this picture is from?*

I found this image here. It's an outline of Gustav Klimt's Tree of Life, which I colored.
I was unfamiliar with the work, but I love it.

I can't find where I got this free printable from, but it's pretty cute!

This might be a bit over my 3 year old's head, but I like the message.

Here they are on the wall.
Bad lighting and all.

Next project?
See that dresser to the left?
It's getting a coat of paint!

*The Paper Bag Princess, a must read for any independent little girl.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of Maia!! What a big girl :) One down, one to go!

    I love your wall art! How did you like the chalkboard paint? I've wanted to try it on something but I'm not sure what yet....
