Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It was a good day

Today was my day off! 
Which meant, I stayed in gym clothes all day and didn't wear any makeup.
A perfect day.

Highlights included: Maia's dance class, cookies and milk at Panera, backyard playtime, baths, and tv.

Ruby went down this slide backwards, on her own, like it was nothing.
Maia, on the other hand, just sat at the top because she's "too scared."

Look at these curls! 
Unfortunately, I think once we finally cut Ruby's hair, it's going to be straight.

And that curly headed beauty ate an entire pint of blueberries for dinner.
I think she gave herself a stomachache, because it took her a long time to settle down tonight.

Aleks and I were taking on the couch this evening. 
Maia ran up to us and said "Mom, Dad, you're not talking very well!"
While she is very cute, I wish she had volume control.
She is so loud.
Especially in the morning.

And at the risk of embarrassing myself, I'm going to share a memory with you that popped into my head yesterday. 

I don't know why this came to me, but I was remembering a day when I was in 1st grade and I had left class to go to the bathroom. Apparently things hadn't come out easily because I remember going to my teacher and saying, "I just had a really hard BM and my bottom hurts so I'm going to stand over there and finish my work."


Can you even believe it?!

I'll bet my teacher still tells that story to this day.
Now that I'm a teacher, you can bet if a student had said that to me, I'd still be talking about it.

Tomorrow is a half day off, which includes a trip to the orthopedic surgeon for a follow-up on my shoulder. Hopefully I'll only have physical therapy assigned and not surgery.
Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. I had a first grader a few weeks ago tell me "My butt really itches, I don't think I wiped very well. Can I go back and wipe again?" oh the candidness of 1st graders... :)
