Thursday, March 1, 2012

I had a really fun zoo day planned

Tonight I was planning to write about being a singer and how sickness affects the voice and confidence. A topical issue since I've been sick and had my first WSU gig last night.

But something more exiting happened today.
At 1:00 I was playing with Ruby and lifted her up onto my left shoulder. She started to slip and as I adjusted to catch her, I felt my shoulder pop.
I instantly knew that it was dislocated.

Did I mention that we're in the middle of a new music festival of which 
Dr. Aleksander Sternfeld-Dunn is in charge?
Thankfully Nana is in town and came over right away to help with the girls.

2 hours later I was at the clinic (with my super amazing, supportive husband, who left a festival event to be with me) getting x-rays of my shoulder. After seeing the pictures the RN said, "yep, you dislocated your shoulder."

"No sh#@!"

This was seriously the worst pain I've ever been in. The RN said that they could try to get it back in at the clinic, but sometimes the muscles have seized up too much and if that was the case they'd have to send me to the ER.
I told them I'd take them to dinner if we could get it taken care of right then and there.

So here's how it went down:
They had me lay on my back on the table and wrapped a sheet under my left arm and around my torso and one doctor held the ends of the sheet. The RN held my left arm out to the side. So while the doctor pulled the sheet and my torso to the right, the RN pulled and gently twisted my arm.
Forever in my mind will be ingrained the moment we all heard a little pop, I felt a huge jolt, and the RN excitedly proclaimed, "that was it!"

So, now I'm wrapped up in a sling and on an ibuprofen regimen to help calm down my angry arm muscles.
And here's the best part: I have to stay in this sling for 3 days. 
Which means I can't change my shirt for three days. 
Or wash my hair. 
Or put on deodorant under my left arm. 
And of course, because it was my day off, I'm wearing a t-hirt that, unfortunately, accentuates my assets.

Unfortunate because I have to work tomorrow. 
If I'm not careful, my students are gonna get more at their lessons than they bargained for.

Ugh, is this craziness over yet?
It feels like we've been getting hit with one thing after another.

At least I'm not bored...

1 comment:

  1. omgsh. the fact that you can't CHANGE your shirt is killing me. that is hilarious.
    but i guess it is what it is?
    so glad that is fixed. i hope your healing and pain are QUICK!
