Friday, September 9, 2011

One Year Old

My little Ruby Ann is one today.

Even from the beginning, she was the sweetest little thing you ever saw.
I loved her from the moment she was born with intense mama bear love that suddenly overcame me moments after giving birth.

And then I went back to work and Maia turned 2 and Aleks started interviewing and Ruby was so easygoing that I think I took her for granted.

Around the time Ruby turned 8 months, I fell head over heels in love with her.

She's got the sweetest little curl to her hair as it flips out over her ears.
She raises one eyebrow at me when she's being impish.
She's got a keen sense of humor and loves to make us laugh.
She adores her sister, but already knows how to manipulate us using Maia.

She's cautious, yet adventurous.
She has an appetite like none other.

Ruby was conceived just around the time that her namesake, my grandmother, passed away.

I see a lot of my grandmother in little Ruby.
Like in her feet.
 And the way she smiles with her eyes scrunched up and the tip of her tongue peeking between her lips.
And in the way she has to dance when she hears music.
And the pure sweetness in her face.

You all had better keep your eyes on Ruby. She's got her own timetable for things and I think she will surprise most everyone she meets.

I'm so very lucky to be her mommy.


  1. Happy 1st Birthday Ruby! We love and miss you here in Arizona. This was the sweetest post, I was holding back tears! I love Ruby and her sweet granny smile. You certainly are a lucky Mama! xx

  2. I love the pictures you post. (The blog was really great too). Happy birthday Ruby!! You will never have another 1st birthday again.
