Friday, September 23, 2011

InstaFriday: My first time edition!

I joined Instagram this week! If you're on there, find me and I'll follow you!
There was a bit of a learner's curve for me. 
Like I kept pushing the send button before finishing a comment.
And sending out like 20 pictures in a row.
And figuring out how to tag someone.

For those of you following me, thank you for your patience!

On Sunday we went to the state fair. I'm so grateful that at this age my girls are more excited about the animals than the rides.

Aleks made bun cha, which is a Thai dish of pork and noodles in broth.
Super good, super easy, and makes me think of our friends, Keri & Andy, who introduced the dish to us.

Aleks sent me these flowers for our anniversary.

We had a low key anniversary.
Dinner at Bonefish Grill.

Then mini golf and skeet ball.
(Aleks beat me at golf, but I creamed him at skeet ball.)

I posted about Ruby's room and this idea was suggested.
I love it.
It makes me smile every time I go in. Which is good because the seemingly constant task of diaper changing is starting to get me down.

Maia learned a new trick.

I think Ruby is finally teething.
We're talking 12+ months and no teeth!
She's still pretty happy despite the constant chewing on things and occasional crankiness.

This gem arrived on my phone at 8 am today.

Some of my students are special. But I'm learning to love them anyway.

This weekend= finishing up the guest bedroom, a conference call with the HOT board, a possible play date with some new friends for Ruby, and hopefully getting my house clean.

I hope you all had a nice week!

Linking up with Jeannett at:

life rearranged


  1. A+ on your first insta friday! Am I not following you on instagram? I don't remember seeing some of these pictures - I think I need to fix that ASAP! You did a great job, and ruby's room looks great!

  2. Very nice. I still find things I can't do when it comes to blogging, Facebook, etc., but once it comes, it's great. I don't have an iPhone so I can't do the Instagram stuff, but it's still fun to take pics with my phone and post. Love the kid ideas. Wish I still had them. Mine are grown and live away from home. I am blessed to have one daughter still near me about 10 minutes away. The other one lives in OR, but we try to get up and visit when we can. It helps that my husband works for the airlines. :) Nice to meet you here.

  3. First time visiting, love your blog! :) And the bun cha looks amazing! Recipe? My kiddos just learned how to do their buckles in their car seats. I do believe the Lord is trying to teach me patience!!
