Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A good start to 2014

The last of our guests left several days ago, the Christmas decorations are packed away until next year, and we are finally starting unwind from the busyness of the semester.

We managed to share germs with everyone who came to visit, and I'm on the tail end of some antibiotics, eager to clear all this gunk out of my head and throat.

Everyone is catching up on sleep and yesterday a nap trifecta was achieved in our house.

We find ourselves in a place that's just scheduled enough to help us remember what day it is, but with ample time to nap and read and exercise when the sun is out.
Why is it when there is only one job to accomplish on a given day, it becomes almost impossible to force oneself out of bed to do said task?
Oh, all I have to do today is shower? Let me put that off until tomorrow.
Of course this arctic blast, or whatever it is, isn't helping.

These next two weeks are going to be filled with half marathon training and resting.
Oh, and I may have started the Divergent trilogy and can't stop reading.
I'm on vacation, don't judge my reading material.

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