Friday, January 31, 2014

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...

On Wednesday night Ruby was drying her hands in the bathroom, turned to run out the door, tripped over my foot, and fell, face first, into her wooden footstool.

I immediately scooped her up while she wailed and grabbed at her face.
As I looked her over, I saw no blood, but something about her mouth looked odd.
Her two top teeth were angled back far enough that she couldn't bite down.

In a panic I called Aleks, who called our dentist at home, who in turn calmed both of us down and reassured us that nothing needed to be done until the morning.

Sweet Ruby went to bed with a dose of ibuprofen, a swollen lip, and lots of cuddles.

The next morning we headed to the dentist.
We watch minimal TV in our house and when they do watch it, it's just the kid shows on PBS.
It's been a great choice for our family, and yesterday I realized that one of those benefits is that the kids love the dentist.
Not only do they get to watch TV, but it's usually the DISNEY CHANNEL.

It kept her calm right until the very end, when she was just fed up.

So basically, the arrow is pointing to the place that her tooth should be.
The other side was out as well, but the right tooth took the brunt of the fall.
There are a few fractures in the teeth as well.

The dentist hemmed and hawed for quite awhile and tried to get ahold of a pediatric dentist for a second opinion.
Finally, he decided to try and manipulate the teeth back into place, rather than go ahead and take them out.

They gave her laughing gas and a local anesthetic before injecting her with more numbing agents.
Then the dentist manually manipulated the front teeth back into place. He said that he could hear them "pop" back in.

After the first one, and as he started working on the second, Ruby in her sweet voice pleaded "don't push!"

I didn't have much of an appetite for the rest of the day.

After a short nap we headed out to get an ice cream with the "get a free ice cream cone" coupon that Ruby got from the dentist for being so brave.

She nearly ate the entire thing.

Her lip is still swollen this morning and black and blue underneath, she looks like a Botoxed lady who got in a fist fight with another housewife.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that they don't become infected and that the bone heals well so she can keep them until they're ready to come out on their own.

She's such a brave little girl.
We'll see how her cleaning goes next month...

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