Friday, September 28, 2012


Lately my parenting hasn't been amazing.

I've noticed it in the way the girls are talking to each other.
Episodes of explosive yelling.
Grabbing of toys.

I haven't been terribly patient with them this past week.
I haven't made the choice to try and be creative in diverting their attention from bad behavior.
And I've probably spoken to them more harshly than they deserve.

I've got excuses.
Maia's been waking up consistently in the pre-dawn hours.
3:30, 5:00.

She starts talking and singing, which in turn wakes Ruby up.
Then Ruby starts yelling/crying "Mommy! Cuddle!"

There's a lot going on with work and keeping the house going and all the other things that crowd into life.

Most of the things that are a challenge aren't necessarily going to get easier.

As a parent, I'm constantly faced with the choice between doing what I want and serving my children.
Being married certainly requires selfless behavior.
But there's something about having a little person(s) who is dependent on you for EVERYTHING that really stretches my capacity for selflessness.

Thankfully kids are quick to grant forgiveness when asked.

In the midst of our exhaustion this week, there have been some really cool things going on.
Wichita State is currently hosting Samuel Ramey as a Distinguished Guest Artist in Residence.
Don't know who that is?
Don't feel bad, he's just a famous opera star.
And apparently our school can bring him in for the next 5 years, but adequate lighting is next to impossible...

Maia is learning to use scissors at school.
Practicing this new skill keeps her quietly occupied for at least 10 minutes.
Have I mentioned that I love preschool?

Little Ruby's personality has been busting out lately.
Here, she was blowing on her cereal.
"Oh man!"

I ran 10 miles on Sunday.
I didn't think I could do it, but I did.
I'm supposed to do 12 this weekend.

Even with that looming over my head, I'm glad it's Friday!
Have a fantastic weekend y'all.

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