Thursday, September 20, 2012


Today Aleks and I are celebrating 9 years of marriage.
After almost a decade of sharing my bed with a Sternfeld-Dunn, I have come to the conclusion that sleeping by yourself is a luxury.
In fact, after moving to Wichita, we bought a king size bed.
We are getting some seriously good sleep now.

Nine years.

This would be a great place to insert excerpts of our vows.
But I can't remember what we said or where I've put them.

Somewhere, during the six moves we've made since being married, they've been misplaced.

And perhaps the 2 kids, 17 months apart, have contributed to my nonexistent long term memory.

I do remember that the past nine years have been exciting and filled with lots of laughter.

It seems that each year of our married life has been filled with monumental changes.
Graduate degrees, moves, jobs, kids.

There is no one with whom I'd rather share this life.

I may not remember my vows or what Aleks promised me, but I do know these things:
 My husband has been 
astoundingly supportive,
constantly encouraging,
quick to place me on a pedestal (especially in front of other people),
optimistically minded,
and a calming counterpoint to my frenzied tendencies.

Being married to Aleks has made me a better person.

In my opinion, it doesn't get much better than that.

I love you Aleksander.

And you know what?
If I have to share a bed with someone, I'm glad it's you.


  1. happy anniversary you love birds :) so glad to see 9 years and going strong. :)
    your wedding still has the BEST memories. :)
