Monday, April 9, 2012

What I've learned this year

Another birthday has come and gone.
And for the record; I love having my birthday on Easter.
Everyone looks beautiful and there are great brunches at all the restaurants.

Here a couple of things I've learned this past year.

1. I actually like running.
I hope to run a half marathon before my next birthday.

2. My voice is still improving.
As a light lyric soprano, I thought for sure by the time I turned 30 my voice would be done growing. Thanks to pregnancy hormones and whatever else, my voice has become richer and more colorful. Now if I could just find time to practice...

3. (This is more of a reaffirmation than a new insight) My husband rocks.
There is no one with whom I'd rather raise my kids or spend my free time. When we got married at 22 years old, there was no way I could know that Aleks would be such a wonderful partner.

4. I'm an introvert.
I definitely have extroverted moments, but I've recently discovered that with two young girls who need my attention 100% of the time, a husband, and a job in which I am NEVER alone, I've been getting burned out. This year I plan to make more time for myself. Alone.

5. I'm no longer in survival mode as a mom. 
For everyone who said "it gets easier," you were right. At least, it's easier to get in a shower each day. And I'm now getting consistent sleep after 2+ years of waking up at least once a night.

I'm fully aware of what a wonderful life I have and I can't wait to see what the year ahead will bring!

1 comment:

  1. these are awesome reflections! you look stunning in that picture. 31 looks GREAT on you :)

    let the good times roll!
