Thursday, April 5, 2012

3 is a wonderful age

3 years ago on April 4th I was being induced for the second time.
After 12 hours on Pitocin, and no progress, we decided that her jig was up.

Did I mention that Maia's due date was in March?

At 7:20 pm, our lives changed forever.

That first year was intense.
Well, actually every day with Maia is intense.

Any preconceived ideas I might have had about being a parent, were obliterated those early days in the hospital.

I'm so grateful that I had a strong willed child first.
It's forced me to put aside my parenting desires and be the parent she needs.

I said "yes" to cupcakes way too many times yesterday.

Cupcakes without frosting, because Maia doesn't like frosting.

And yes, it was dark outside when we had cupcakes.
That's how the Sternfeld-Dunn house rolls.

I feel like all that is good about Aleks and me has been transferred to Maia.
She's a little ray of light that everyone can't help but notice.

Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet girl.

And on another note:
Yesterday day I was laying in Ruby's room as she fell asleep and the fan was making a rhythmic whirring sound. Then another sound joined it and as I sat up, I saw Ruby tapping her hand on her bed in time with the fan.
Then this morning we were listening to the radio and Ruby played a note on the piano in the same key.
And then did it again an octave higher.

It's probably just a coincidence.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to both of you, Emily. I know firsthand what a joy it is to have the gift of a firstborn daughter as a birthday present! Wishing you both the best year ever. Susan
