Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hump Day

Is it only Wednesday?
I feel like things are a spinning out of control and it's all I can to do keep my head on straight.
I'm under the illusion that things might get better by the weekend, but in reality, I think it's just going to be a rough semester.

1. Our sitter backed out on us last minute and so we've been scrambling to try and find someone new. Without any family near, we don't have a cushion for times like this. We're making it work, but I'm starting to forget what Aleks looks like; we're always passing each other as one of us heads out the door.

2. Suddenly I'm on the board for 2 different organizations and trying to start a new music ensemble for Kansas composers and musicians. All of which I am very passionate and excited about. All of which I have no time for.

3. Aleks and I are trying to be healthy and exercise on a regular basis. He's been getting up at 5:00 a.m. on the weekdays to head to the gym. I've been going when Aleks gets home from work, before dinner. Since it was beautiful today, I thought I'd put the girls in the double stroller, strap on my new Garmin watch, and go for a run so that Aleks and I could eat earlier and spend more time together tonight.

I'm never doing that again. A) Running with the double BOB sucks B) the girls get too bored. It was a disaster.

4. The other moms at Maia's dance class and the girls' story times are super sweet, and all of a sudden it seems that every one of them lives in my neighborhood. Potentially awesome. I just don't have time to get to know them!

So, to cope, I'm making these tonight. Perhaps not the most responsible thing to do, but maybe I'll take them to my new neighbor friends tomorrow.

And while Aleks and I are busy handing off the kids and taking them to work with us, they are pretty wonderful.

And the weather has been beautiful. I feel like it's spring. And the other day the sky looked like this as I was leaving work.

And my aunt sent me these old school pictures of my dad, which makes me really happy.

And even though finding the time to work out is hard, this weekend I ran 5 miles. In a row. Without stopping. 
I was pretty excited.

I know things will settle down soon enough.

My fingers are crossed that I make it until then!


  1. that shirt your dad is wearing is amazing. i hope he still has it. and still wears it. ;)

  2. 5 miles??!! That is awesome Em!!!
