Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

It's Father's Day.

I totally missed the boat on planning anything special.
However, this is no indication at all of the respect and admiration I have for Aleks as a father.

He is endlessly patient,

spontaneously funny,

consistent in his love and discipline,


and full of adventure.

My girls have no idea how lucky they are to have the daddy they do.

I love you honey. 
Thank you for being a strong father figure to our girls and giving them an example of what unconditional love is like.

(And thank you too for getting up in the middle of the night to help when our girls were itty bitty.)

 (OK, let's be honest, Ruby's still not sleeping through the night, so not just when they were itty bitty, but now too.)

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I teared up reading this! Aleks is such an amazing father and Maia and Ruby are so lucky to have him. And you are so lucky to have him as your husband. This is a very well written description of how awesome Aleks is!

    Happy Father's Day B.I.L.
