Monday, May 30, 2011


Aleks is out of town this weekend and so I've been with the girls. Alone. Having lots of 2 year old driven conversation. Here are some of the gems from this weekend.

In the car backing out of our driveway.
Maia: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: Driving.
Now out of the driveway and turning out of our cul-de-sac.
Maia: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: Driving.
Now heading down the hill, driving past the park.
Maia: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: Driving.
Turning at the stop light at the end of the hill.
Maia: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: Maia, all done asking that question. Let's have some quiet time.
10 seconds later.
Maia: Mommy, what are you doing?
Me: (silence)

We went to the park yesterday during the farmer's market and it was super busy. I was standing off to the side holding Ruby and keeping an eye on Maia. I saw Maia head towards the ladder, which she has never climbed by herself. She started climbing and by the time I got to her, she was at the top not sure how to get down.
Me: Maia, I don't think you should climb the ladder unless I'm here to help.
Maia: No mommy, I'm just holding on!

We went to different park that afternoon and had to leave because it started to rain. Maia was telling me about it today in the car.
Maia: Mommy I was crying yesterday at the park with the train.
Me: Why were you crying Maia?
Maia: Well, I was so sad.

Listening to jazz in the car.
Maia: Mommy, that's a trumpet!
Me: Actually Maia, that's a saxophone.
Maia: No mommy, a trumpet!
Me.: No, a saxophone.
Maia: No, a trumpet!
Silence, then I realize I can't bear to have her thinking that a saxophone is a trumpet.
Me: Maia, that's a saxophone.
Maia: No mommy, that's a trumpet!
I let it go.

I'm having a friend over tonight and wanted to make margaritas. However I needed to get tequila which meant taking both girls into the store and  crossing my fingers that, in this small town, no one I knew would be there. (Unfortunately, everything was closed today because of Memorial Day.)
In the car-
Maia: We're not going to the grocery store, we're going to the liquor store!

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