Monday, February 1, 2016

Winter so far

Today is my day off and I've been excited about it since last night. People have been saying "that's great, it's like you have a three day weekend!" What any other musician understands is that we don't get the weekends off, so to have one whole day to myself is a gift. My plans for today include working out, writing, and practicing. So here we are.

The start of the new year has brought a change in mood. Things feel fresher and the promise of possibility is evident in the air. It could be that our unseasonably warm and dry winter has contributed to this difference. Whatever, the cause, I welcome it with open arms.

The girls started ballet last month and are loving every minute. Maia is quite perturbed that they can't stay for jazz and tap, which immediately follows ballet. They are so cute in their pink tights and blue leotards. There's just something about little girls and ballet that makes me so happy to have daughters. It's quite magical, actually.

Ruby is continuing swim lessons. She's fully proficient in the water and now they're working on things like side breathing and breast stroke. It amazes me at how she is so naturally physical and athletic. She's still intense and screams in agony when I brush her hair, but she's also maturing and is such a love.

Both girls are taking piano lessons now, with teachers other than myself. Maia's getting quite good and is adjusting to a new teaching style and teacher. I see firsthand how important it is for beginners to have fun with lessons so that they don't get burned out practicing early on. Her new teacher is more strict about the amount of practicing she wants, so we're continuing to find a balance. Ruby is very excited about starting lessons with Maia's old teacher through the university and being a "test subject" for piano pedagogy grad students.

Maia is having a great 1st grade year. The other day she came running in the house and said "I broke a world record!" She had scored 100% on her spelling pre-test and was very excited about it. I asked her if anyone else done that before and she sort of rolled her eyes and shook her head and said "Well, Will has, because, you know, he's so smart." Will is the Gilbert Blythe to Maia's Anne Shirley.

There's also been more interest and talk in our house about being in love and crushes. Maia came home with a love letter the other day, which was completely adorable. However, I don't think Aleks is quite ready for it all.

Ruby loves school as well. She doesn't love books as much as Maia, but she's reading beginning books and is a hard worker in the classroom. Ruby has always been more introspective and quiet in large groups, but this year she's opening up. She does this sweet thing of tucking her hair behind her ears when she's speaking in front of a group or to an adult audience. I'm sure its a comfort/coping thing for her in stressful situations. Whenever I see her do it, I'm simultaneously heartbroken (because it's hard to see your kid emotionally uncomfortable) and proud (because she figures out what she's trying to communicate and does it).

Maia really wanted to make a tiered cake, so we did. Aleks said "you're such a good mom." I just really like chocolate cake.

Aleks and I are as busy as ever with work and are feeling fulfilled. Aleks has taken on some leadership responsibilities in the School of Music this year and has really risen to the challenge. He's also been part of a leadership training program that takes place throughout the year and I love hearing him talk about all he's learning. My private studio is thriving and I've started a wait list. I discovered last semester that it's better to limit the studio size and feel sane, than to say yes whenever people ask. My WSU students are improving and keep me laughing. Seven of my music theater students went to a theater festival with WSU's production of Smoky Joe's and one of them won the top music theater award. I'm beyond proud to see them representing themselves and their training so well.

Over winter break I decided to try and finish the upstairs painting by tackling the hallway and stairwell. The hallway was easy, but the stairwell proved to be a challenge. 

We borrowed an extension ladder and cinder block from a friend and I almost got the whole thing primed before I discovered that to paint the tip top edges was scarier than I had thought. So, we ended up hiring someone to finish. It took 3 hours, looks beautiful, and was the best money we've spent in quite a while.

I couldn't get a good picture of it all completed. You'll just have to come over so I can show you!

Somehow it's February and Valentine's day is around the corner. Soon it'll be Easter and then finals. Hold onto your hats folks, it's a crazy ride!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the blue leotard days; wish we still had one to pass along. Love the Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley analogy--you and I love all the same classic books!
