Friday, March 27, 2015


In this season of life, I've been reminded of some life mottos that I found to be true throughout my college education. When I had babies my mind was consumed with feedings and crying and sleeping. My kids are now older. In some ways their need for me is less intense and I'm sleeping more regularly.

As a result I have more time to think and feel things that had been forgotten in my sleep deprivation.

You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Every year I walk on this earth, it becomes more and more apparent that kindness should be a first response to everything. Especially if something doesn't go the way I want or need. If I can avoid being reactive it is better for everyone involved, especially myself.

When life gets really busy and stress levels rise, I find myself feeling untethered. The smallest inconvenience or unexpected occurrence can throw me into an emotional tailspin causing me to second guess all conversations and read into the smallest of non-verbal cues. The one thing that grounds me is perspective. Nothing lasts forever. I have a family that loves me. I can feed my children. We are clothed in clean clothes. I can buy gas for my car. I like my husband. When I remember these things, whatever I've been worrying about becomes trivial.

Eat Well and Get Enough Sleep.
This is the first thing I tell my students when the stress of the semester becomes overwhelming. I encourage them to start their days with protein, drink lots of water, and be sure to get enough sleep. Sometimes deadlines and rehearsals and sickness get in the way of this, but it's important to know when you can say no and get to bed earlier than usual. It's amazing how an outlook can change after a goodnight's rest. I fiercely protect my sleep.

Yes. And.
This is the hardest one to remember. We live in a culture that doesn't often promote inclusivity. Just because someone is talented, doesn't exclude the rest of society from being talented as well. Whenever I begin to feel competitive (as I often do) I have to remember, "Yes. And." Because, really that competitiveness comes from insecurity. "Yes. And" works in a creative sense as well. On the stage or confronted with a problem, "Yes. And." keeps my mind and heart open. When I allow my thinking to become limitless, it produces the greatest benefits.

These have become my mantra this semester as I'm slowly losing my mind. Did you hear that I sent Maia to school with crazy hair? On twin day?

Thankfully I've got this amazing picture to make me smile. I hope you're not tired of seeing it.

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