Saturday, April 13, 2013

What this Friday looked like.

Some of my friends who have blogs, occasionally do a post called Ten on Ten. It's one of those linky party things that bloggers sometimes do.
The premise of Ten on Ten is this: you take 1 picture every hour for 10 consecutive hours on the 10th of each month.
I am notoriously late to any trend/fad/fun thing, but I think it's an interesting idea so I decided to do my own version on Friday.

On a typical Friday I start teaching at 8:45 and finish at 6:00.
This Friday was special.

The girls woke up at 6 and I held them hostage in bed for 45 minutes while I tried to peel my eyes open.

We headed downstairs for breakfast.
Maia turned off all the lights and got out her flashlight.
Which is actually quite wonderful when you don't want to open your eyes anyway.

After breakfast, coffee, and a shower, I headed to the garage with freshly washed carseat covers.
It took me a solid 15 minutes to wrestle them onto the frame.

My first student, this week, wasn't scheduled until 10:00, so I headed in to work early (via Starbucks) to do some score study and catch up on paperwork.

Then my first cherub of the day arrived for her lesson.

Most of my students have 1/2 hour lessons.
I get this ham for an hour and I love it!

 After a 15 minute break (so much coffee!) I get to see this handsome fellow.
I'd like to say that all my students dress up for their lessons, but you already know that isn't the case.
He was going to be singing in masterclass following his lesson.

It was really hard for me to remember to take a picture every hour.
From 12:30-1:20 I have masterclass, which involves my students singing for each other and workshopping ideas, technical and dramatic.
I didn't remember to take a picture, so instead I drew you one.

Can you tell that I sort of dread this hour?

After masterclass I don't usually get a break, but this week I got an entire 30 minutes to eat my lunch!
Which means a even keeled teacher for this young man and his French diction.

Again, this was a rare day in that I had another hole in my schedule.
I spent the time listening to excerpts from the Requiem on youtube.

No joke, every week this kid makes me smile so hard.

By the time I get to this gentleman, I'm usually wiped, but the talent he has is a better pickup than a 4:00 espresso.

After the college kids on Friday, I usually teach 3 private students. This week I only had one, which meant I got started on my weekend early!

For my birthday, Aleks asked his mom to come out and watch the girls so we could go to dinner and spend the night in a hotel.
The point being that I would be able to sleep in on Saturday morning.

I left school and headed straight to our hotel, which afforded this view from our room.

We had a lovely dinner, and some wine.

 And then because I was so good at dinner (salmon, green beans, and quinoa) we had to stop by Krispy Kreme on the way back to the hotel. 
I mean, the "Hot Now" sign was lit. 
You kind of have to stop when those neon lights proclaim their greasy goodness.

Back at the hotel we rented a movie and I was asleep by 9:20.
Best. Birthday. Gift. Ever.

In the morning Aleks had to get up early and take Maia to her soccer game.
I took my time waking up, went for a run at 8, had breakfast, and then headed to my sewing class where I cut out all the pieces for an apron I'm making.
It was a great day.

So there you have it. A somewhat non-typical Friday in my life.

Happy weekend y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Your job looks kinda fun :)
    I'm sure a jobs a job, but still looks relatively cool!

    And I love hotel stays.

    And I want that donut.
