Thursday, March 21, 2013

Power shift

There has been a shift going on in our household these past few weeks.
It sounds something like this.

Maia: Ruby, can I play with that toy when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *starts to cry* Mommy! Ruby said I can't play with that toy when she's done.
Me: Maia, stop crying, that's not how we get what we want. Ruby, when you're done playing with that toy, Maia gets to have a turn.
Ruby: *Silent* (I'm refusing to admit that she's already ignoring me)
Maia: Ruby, can I play with that toy when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *crying* Mommy! Ruby said no!
Me: Maia, it's fine, I told Ruby that she has to give it to you when she's done.
Maia: But, Ruby said no.
Me: Don't worry about it, I'm the boss and I say you can have a turn.
Maia: Ruby, can I play with that when you're done?
Ruby: No.
Maia: *crying* I want to play with it when you're done.
Me: Ruby. Ruby, look at me. When you're done, then it's Maia's turn.
Ruby: Ok, here you go Maia.
Maia: *very quietly* Thank you Ruby.

Or this.

Maia: Oh! I've got to go potty. *runs to the bathroom*
Ruby runs after her.
Maia starts screaming.
Ruby laughs hysterically.
Maia: Ruby! No! Leave me alone!
Ruby continues to chase her sister, until Maia is screaming at the top of her lungs, while backed into the corner of the bathroom.
As I come to the scene, I see Maia screaming, half in terror and half in frustration that Ruby won't listen to her and Ruby laughing with complete glee.

Aleks is often worried that Ruby is a pushover to Maia's bossy first born tendencies, but I don't think we have to be worried.

On another note, the girls are constantly singing.
Have you ever seen an improv sketch (they sometimes do it on SNL) where there are two people who are supposed to be singing the same song, but as actors, they have no script?
They have to try and say the same words at the same time while making up a melody.
My girls do this all the time.
I'll have to try and capture it on video sometime, but it is my absolute favorite.

The other day in the car, Maia was singing, "I have the loveliest voice. Listen to me sing!"

And a few days ago I caught the end of Ruby's adorable composition. She had just finished twirling and singing "I am amazing, I love you!" when I got the camera rolling.

Pretty stinking adorable, if I do say so myself.

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