Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Big Girl Camera

Tonight as I was putting Maia down for bed, she accidentally jabbed me in the eye. I reacted as you might expect and told her, sternly, that she needs to be careful with her body.

She then said to me, "Mom you are dramatic today."


I haven't pulled my real camera out for a long time. So long, in fact, that when I did, the battery was dead.
I did, however, snap a few shots of my girls these past few days.

Ruby was waiting for her lunch.

She didn't seem to see me at first, 

but as I got closer...

Then, wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles (anyone know the show that is from???), Maia took a nap yesterday!

I love her rosy cheeks after she wakes up.

This nugget, on the other hand, did not nap. And hasn't for the past 3 days, as a matter of fact.

And then, Maia did this all on her own, no prompting from me for a funny face.
I love this picture so much.

See those bandaids on her finger? She's been to proud/excited about wearing them.

Um, hello gorgeous.

 We also made peanut butter cookies. Delicious AND fun!

Come on, you have to admit big girl camera > iPhone pics.
Here's to using the real camera more often!


  1. your girls are stunning. i see you so much in both of them. :)

    also i love that you got the big girl camera out.
    its so hard for me to do as well.
    but it ends up so worth it. :)

  2. I love how much of your smile I see in Maia's!!! Ruby's seems like Aleks' to me, too.
