Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012; Salem edition

For Christmas this year we found ourselves in Salem, OR where Aleks' sister lives with her two girls.
You know, Kansas is in the middle of the country, but for some reason it's almost impossible to find direct flights.
Unless you're going to Denver or Chicago.
Luckily we only had one layover in Minneapolis.

Aleks and I always get really stressed out about traveling with littles and then our girls usually do really well.
They are becoming airport/airplane pros.

Now that Ruby is 2, she gets her own seat.
The spot next to us was empty and I was able to stretch out and get Ruby to take a nap.

Once at Nana's house, Maia and Ruby quickly reacquainted themselves with their cousins.

There has been lots of picture taking.

This one is really good at looking at the camera and smiling nicely.

This one, not so much.

Christmas morning came at 4:30 for the Sternfeld-Dunn family.
The teenage cousin was awake too.

While we waited for the rest of the family to wake up, the logical thing to do was make pancakes.

This teenager was a 4 year old flower girl in our wedding.

 Nana and Lola.
My girls love to pet Lola, as long as Lola doesn't move or look at them.
Maia says she's scared of the sound of Lola's toenails on the floor.

Sheesh, 3 year olds.

So many presents.

The Fisher Price Little People princesses were a huge hit with both girls.

And this toy, Symphony in B, is loved by all 4 of us.

The aftermath.

And then trying to get set up for the annual pajama family picture is always a challenge.

But we got one!

It was the merriest of Christmases.

1 comment:

  1. so sweet. love that new toy. and the pj pic is my fav :)
