Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New pictures and a video!

Here are some new pictures from last week. Maia is just getting cuter and cuter! She's started blowing raspberries with her tongue and lips, now the burp rag is never far away.

Maia in her first pair of shoes and socks. It's so cute I can barely stand it!

Here's a little video with some highlights from months 2 and 3 of Maia's life.


  1. Oh man! Is Maia ever heart-breaking adorable! What a blessing and a gift she is. I'm the luckiest grandpa in the world, yes I am!
    Grandpa Peter

  2. too cute too cute!!!
    Seriously, it looks like she's standing all on her own in her shoes! And that VIDEO! I love it! way to go! your good parenting has paid off so far, i can see! xxx

  3. Emily, She is sooooooo cute! There's nothing more to say!!! Love, Danni
