Thursday, January 29, 2015

Where has January gone?

I usually gauge the busyness of my life and general stress by how many days in a row I have to put on makeup.

I think we're going on 8 or 9 days straight of required makeup application. It's not really that I hate putting on makeup or the way it feels, but I loathe washing my face at night. It just doesn't seem fair.

We'll be getting ready for bed and Aleks will be under the covers, teeth brushed, in pajamas and reading a book. Meanwhile, I'm still standing over the sink waiting for the water to heat up so I can scrub the day off my face. And then I get really feminist and think "See?! A woman's work is never done. There's the man already unwinding from his day while I have to wash off the enhancements which were mandated by a patriarchal society meant to exploit my beauty not my brains." Then I climb into bed all huffy and wound up.

Maybe one day I'll just stop wearing makeup all together. A friend of mine had a good point: people will think I'm really tired for a week and then get over it.

Anyway, I digress.

This weekend I went to Arizona to give some masterclasses at a music academy where my mom works. Since I was already there we threw in two Sunday services and a performance at a high school as well. It was a busy weekend full of music and sun and family.

Look at these sweet girls. So talented and full of curiosity and promise.

Morning service

Evening service

My sister-in-law and niece and nephew. I couldn't get enough of them. If I didn't have kids, I'd say they are the cutest, most interesting children I know.

This was just after I dropped my phone on the tile floor. Apparently it was really funny.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to finish up the edit map for the recording session I had at the beginning of the month. You'd think it would get easier.

Instead, the more I listen, the more I think I sound like an older, heavier version of Florence Foster Jenkins. Never heard of her? Go ahead and give it a google. I'll wait.

You're back? Aleks doesn't seem to share my opinion. He thinks I sound good. I'll probably never be totally happy with it, but I'm reserving final judgement until I hear an edited track with reverb added. Once I have a final product, I plan on sharing with you all my dreams for this recording. If I make it through the edit map, that is.

And through all of this, I've been learning the score of Cold Sassy Tree, an opera by Carlisle Floyd. I'm singing the role of Love Simpson in April and have really fallen in love with the character and her music. However, it's tricky and looks like this:

E flats and D sharps in the same measure make for slow going. But it's coming and is memorizing itself which is nice.

In other news, Maia has lost her first top tooth and I'm in love with her new smile.

And today was Pioneer Day at Ruby's school. Yee Haw!

Also, if you haven't been following this story coming from Humans of New York, do so. It will warm your heart right up and restore your faith in humanity.

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