Sunday, October 26, 2014


We are now 3 months into kindergarten and I am whole heartedly feeling like it is simultaneously the most wonderful and worst thing in the world.

Maia has always been a verbal and precocious little being, but kindergarten has just fueled and intensified her personality. She is like a little sponge, just soaking up all interactions with her friends. Maia comes home with new sayings every day. If we're Facebook friends, you might have read some of the things she has recently said.

Tyler is the most prominent contributor of these new sayings. Namely "dangit" "sexy lady" and the story that his "older brother hit him in the penis once."

At Maia's parent teacher conference we got very positive feedback: Maia is ahead of where she needs to be, follows directions well, and is a leader in the classroom. As a result Mrs. Hays sometimes puts Maia with the kids who are a bit rascally.

Tyler also said to Maia, "Say poop two times. I won't tell."

And that sums up why kindergarten is the worst and the best.

I listen with rapt attention and eager delight to hear what Maia has to tell us. It's the best. So entertaining and interesting. And it's also a little nerve racking. How strong is her moral compass? Today it's "poop" but before I know it there will be temptations to do things that have much more serious consequences.

I asked Maia what she thought she'd be like as a teenager. Maia thought for a moment and then said "natural."

All I can think to do is keep the dialogue open and enjoy the maturity and silliness that comes as Maia steps into each new phase of life.

I'll leave you with this conversation Maia had with Aleks the other day:

"Daddy, I love balls, but not the kind you play with...

...the kind you dance at!"

I mean really, what other kinds of balls are there?!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful little girl. Wouldn't it be great if the only influence our children had were parents and not other parents children. I wonder what Tyler's parents are saying about the influence of others? Gramps
