Friday, December 20, 2013

Pre-K Christmas Party

I now have a child who is old enough for school Christmas parties.
Sheesh, wasn't she just learning to walk?

This evening Maia said to me "Mommy, I'm really glad you came to my class today."

I was so glad to be there too.
Little Miss Maia's eyes seemed to twinkle the entire morning.

Santa came to the class and Maia very quickly asked "Are you the real Santa or just someone dressed up like Santa?"
Santa answered, "The real one. Are you worried about that?"
"I'm not worried!" she quickly chirped.
A few minutes later she said, "My mom told me… (and I cringed, because you never know) that sometimes mommies talk to Santa before Christmas."
She told Santa that she wanted new Lion King toys.
We're done shopping and not one Lion King toy has been purchased.
Hopefully her new scooter from Santa will be acceptable.

I volunteered to bring the craft and I found these little things at Michaels.
No glue or paint required, which is right up my alley.

While the kids listened to "The Polar Express,"

which Maia loved,

the moms set up the snack.

My little girl is getting so big.
But not so big that I couldn't sneak in a few kisses during the party.

On a side note, Mrs. Burcham won a Teacher of the Year award this year out of all the private schools in Wichita.
We knew she was great, but are so happy that the rest of the city knows it too!

This is the sweetest class.
I'm sure Maia will really miss school for the next two weeks, but I'm looking forward to the break!

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