Saturday, August 24, 2013

Two, almost three year olds are exhausting

My little Ruby is turning 3 in a couple of weeks.
I am so ready to leave the terrible twos behind and experience the terrific threes.

Lately I've been at my wits end with her whining and tantrums.
I'm constantly amazed that there is always just a bit more patience to spare if I dig deep enough.

She's just so volatile.
At bed time any number of things can lead to a tantrum of catastrophic proportions.

"I want your ponytail out!"
"My blanket's not tucked in tight enough!"
"That's too tight!"
"Not across my neck!"
"I want the hall light turned on by the switch next to Maia's bed, not by my door!"

People assure me it's typical of kids her age.
But I don't remember Maia being this difficult.

I'm worried I'm failing her, not teaching her proper ways to deal with frustration and that she's going to grow up into this angry person with whom no one wants to be friends.

Oh, but when she's not being a pill, she is the sweetest thing I know.
Eager to give hugs and kisses, the silliest of my two girls with an infectious chuckle.

So, any experienced moms with emotional, explosive kids out there have advice for me?
How have you helped grow your kids into pleasant people?

Maybe I'll just have her wear cowgirl boots every day so that the cuteness overrides the thorniness.
Ha! If only all life's difficulties could be solved with cute shoes.

1 comment:

  1. those. boots.

    seriously. she looks like a DOLL. you need to frame these.

    i can't believe she isnt even 3. she seems so grown up. :)

    i'm not a mama who can chime in. but i'm pretty sure i was that difficult child.
    hopefully i'm a pleasant adult now. :)
