Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Preschool style

I should most certainly NOT be writing a new blog post.
I should be reviewing my music for my recital tomorrow night.
Because Sunday's rehearsal was a hot mess.
At this point I'm seriously hoping I don't embarrass myself.

But, Maia had a Mother Goose Halloween Parade at school today and you all want to know how that went.

Ruby dressed up in her costume too.
Sans bunny headpiece, which made her look like a mouse.
It's a good thing Ruby couldn't care less.

Look at that straight line!
Mrs. Patrick speaks fluent 3 and 4 year old and those kids LOVE her.

Everyone was asked to dress up as a Mother Goose character.
I think it was a smart move.
Otherwise there would have been an entire parade of princesses.

Maia was one of the three little pigs.
"But a girl pig."

There were teapots and unicorns and Little Bo Peep

and a sun, and a little princess slipped in there at the end. :)

This sweet little boy made the cutest mouse.

And this little ladybug didn't "fly away home" until school was over.

Of course Halloween is tomorrow and the kids who go to school 5 days a week or MWF, will have another parade.
Today was definitely a dress rehearsal for the big event tomorrow.

Ok, now I'm going to look over my music.
I'm afraid it might be too late... but I will fight to the end!
Handel melismas here I come.

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