Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Maia is 9!

I walked to baggage claim yesterday, having finally arrived home after 2 1/2 weeks on the road, and there was my gorgeous family waiting with rib crushing hugs.

To my astonishment, it looked like Maia had grown 2 inches since I last saw her. Her blonde head is almost above my shoulder now, and at this point, she's all legs.

And today, my darling first born is 9.

Let me tell you about my girl Maia.

She is wonderfully quirky. Her vocabulary is extensive and well beyond her years. Yesterday she was talking about picking up donuts before school and said "we should probably set off around 7:30." Earlier this week she was complaining about practicing the same pieces over and over, she told Aleks "I'm just trying to be a faithful daughter!"

Her teachers and others have told me that talking to her is like talking to an adult.

I know her vocabulary comes from her love of reading. This girl almost always has her nose in a book. Sometimes she'll bring a book to the school lunch room, in case she gets bored. Most recently she been into Wings of Fire, a series about dragons.

And while her vocabulary indicates an older mind, she is still very young emotionally. She is well liked by all her classmates, but doesn't seem to have very many close friends. And honestly, it's probably because she reads so much. She spends more time reading than interacting with classmates.

But I'm not worried. I think she'll continue to figure it all out.

This year, more than ever, I see the transition from girl to young woman looming on the horizon. Maia has started testing out some sassiness and eye rolling. Mostly, we find it entertaining, Maia included. I suppose I'll have to address her attitude if it gets worse, but for now, I appreciate her exploration and emerging independence.

Some of Maia's likes:
Books, dragons, Harry Potter, pancakes (yes, still), laughing, swimming, gymnastics, her sister (most of the time), and purses/accessories.

Some of Maia's dislikes:
Blood, most foods (including pizza and mac and cheese), and wearing a jacket to school. Honestly, she's a pretty easy kid.

Maia is hugely empathetic and kind. For now she says she wants to be a scientist and help preserve plants and animals. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up doing that! I could also see her doing some kind of social justice work or as a civil servant.

It's a privilege to be her mom and be a part of her journey.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

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