Thursday, November 23, 2017

Giving Thanks for our Patriarch

Our Thanksgiving celebration is over. The only dishes left to wash are the crystal glasses, which I'll tackle tomorrow. The girls are settled in bed, worn out from the excitement of playing with cousins all day. Our bellies are full and several new memories have been added to the cannon of family gatherings. Tomorrow we'll put up the Christmas tree with help from our family that is visiting. 

However, before this next busy season begins, I wanted to be sure to take a moment and write about my Thankfulness for family.

I'm thankful for the family that I didn't get to choose and by marriage, the one that I did. On both sides, I am deeply blessed. I am surrounded by kin that are loving, supportive, kind, and loyal.

On Sunday, November 19, my grandfather Gordon Pappas passed away. He was 95, a WWII POW, a musician, an educator, father, and husband.

In the midst of the semester and holiday, there hasn't been much time to process this loss.

Grandpa's death is hardly a surprise to our family. He was old and hardly more than a skeleton. He would often become dizzy when standing up and in the last month, a series of falls led him to realize that he could no longer take care of himself.

Grandpa desperately missed his wife Ruby, who passed away 8 years ago this Christmas. I like thinking that they are together once again.

He was a strong personality. As his granddaughter I was spared much of the angst felt by his own children. Since I already had father who loved me, I didn't need anything from him and unreservedly admired his forthrightness and integrity. I could always trust that Grandpa said what he felt.

I'm sure at a later date I will have more words about this man who made such a large mark on my life.

But for now, I want to say how thankful I am for his life. For the values he instilled in our family. He gave us his passion for music, faith, and most importantly an understanding that a love of learning is a life skill. I'm even thankful for his more challenging qualities. Because of his insensitivity towards his children, my mom and aunts and uncles are incessantly kind, empathetic, and tender hearted.

We got to see Grandpa this summer and I think I knew that this might be the last time. He was so tired.

Thank you Grandpa for all the sacrifices you made for your family. Your legacy continues on.

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