Monday, November 2, 2015

Annual family pictures

Each October, as I run around in a panic to get my kids Halloween costumes and make spooky themed snacks for their school, I remember that Christmas is right around the corner and we need to get new family pictures taken.

For the past three years we've asked our friend Laurie to take the photos for us and each year I'm so so happy with what she is able to capture.

Here are some of the pictures that didn't make our holiday card.

When I asked Ruby how she got to be so good at posing she said, "ballet."
I'd like to point out that up to this point she has taken 5 days of ballet lessons. Can you imagine what proper weekly lessons would do?

Maia is just as adorable, but more reserved now that she's a big first grader. It's crazy to see how much her face is changing with those grownup teeth coming in.

Andover and Wichita are paving an old railway trail that runs east and west for about ten miles or so. It's a great place for pictures, but in my opinion, is also greatly improving the quality of life here. We have desperately needed more outdoor walking paths in this city.

Aleks handles all the women in his life so well.

Shortly after this Ruby started crying because Maia was squeezing her hand too hard. Big sisters are the worst (writes a big sister).

Happy Fall y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I want each and every one of these photos! You are a lovely family. Love to all.
