Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I can't believe we've been home for a week already. Re-entry has been fairly painless. Thankfully the weather here was mild, making our departure from paradise a bit easier.

Here are some highlights from our week:

1. Today Maia wrote some lyrics:
Somewhere over the rainbow, swimming birds drop
They fall into a lake, they're called ducks.

"Haha Mommy! Is that funny? They're called ducks, haha."

2. I scored a coat rack at Goodwill for $9. It's not in great shape, but I've been looking for one for over a year. I just couldn't bring myself to spend $50 on a new one. I also found some picture frames for a hallway project and a new ceramic container for my coffee. It was a good trip.

3. Some of the siding on our house is rotting. We're getting about 4 different estimates this week. Sooooo that's happening.

4. Still dreaming about our vacation to CA. It was such a great trip. Also, I have to include these photos of some old friends I got to see while in southern CA.

This is my favorite recitative partner.

We haven't changed a bit.

It's been over 15 years since I've seen this lovely lady.

And this gorgeous friend is now a mommy. Her son is so so cute. Dimples for days. Curls too.

Unfortunately we didn't get to see any of our NoCal friends. I had also hoped to see my aunt and visit my former piano teacher, who retired this year. I guess we'll just have to go back!

5. This is the first year we let the girls stay up for fireworks on the 4th. Both girls kept their hands firmly planted over ears the entire time. Ruby basically hated it and wanted to be held as our neighbors shot cannons into the sky (not really, but it was loud!). I don't really blame her. I guess when you live in the prairie you like to blow stuff up. Needless to say, I'm glad that week is behind us.

6. All of a sudden I'm learning ALL of the music. It's nice to have a full plate.

7. Only 2 more weeks until we get to go on vacation with my side of the family, but who's counting?

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