Friday, March 5, 2010


We're having another baby!

We found out Jan. 13 that we're expecting baby no. 2

At our first doctor's appointment in Feb. we were able to hear the heartbeat which is nice and strong.

The first 7 weeks were really awful. I was really nauseous all the time and super tired, but I'm starting to have more and more good days. I still try and take a nap when Maia does and that seems to help quite a bit.

Everything with the baby and mama looks to be great. I'm due Sept. 18, but Aleks and I have decided to schedule a c-section. We're thinking that this baby will be born Sept. 12 (if they do c-sections on Sundays).

I'm feeling like this one is a boy. We're going to find out at 20 weeks, so we'll see!

Maia already finds my belly and gives it kisses. She has no idea, but it's pretty cute.

So, the adventure continues...


  1. YAY!!! I can't wait for our little ones to be cousins. : ) Congrats!

  2. Congratulations! We are so excited for you! I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes well. Maia will be such a great older sister!

  3. CONGRATS!!! So happy for you three - NO, FOUR!!!
